Weird question about B.E.A.S.T suits...

So, like...I may be missing something important, but I can't seem to find anything that tells me how large a BEAST suit actually is. Is that left to the player to determine?

Was entertaining the thought of a min. height Nath-el piloting a much larger suit. You know, tiny person siting in a torso versus a strange war machine/iron man appeal.




  • YalauYalau Member Posts: 68 ✭✭
    Yeah it seems pretty inconsistent.  Like the newbie quest has us cram into a tight space with our buddues like what our suit wouldn't fit in there....  Plus sneaking in vents???  
  • AureliusAurelius Administrator Posts: 467 Starmourn staff
    Like many things in MUDs (such as how fast you can cross space, your unlimited inventory, etc), some things require some suspension of disbelief. Your BEAST suit is basically your character's size, but bulkier.
  • YalauYalau Member Posts: 68 ✭✭
    So I'm iron Man!  Sick!  (Could be described a bit better maybe.  From hanging out with Atlas it definitely seemed bigger!)
  • NusrizanNusrizan Member Posts: 22
    I was thinking of something like the suits from the upcoming Sci-Fi game called Anthem. Would it be something like that for Beast?
  • XaverXaver Member Posts: 2
    Is it permissible to include a description of a BEAST suit in the freeform section of a players description? Such as flourishes like custom paint job, or aesthetic additions such as fins on the helmet? I figured the admin wouldn't be checking everyone's descriptions, but I would like to get an idea of what is and is not acceptable. It seems that BEAST operators are always in their suits, so it would make sense to me that our free form descriptions reflect this. After all, how can you really see a BEAST operator through the suit (aside from perhaps their face, if the faceplate is up)?
  • YalauYalau Member Posts: 68 ✭✭
    I use the suit as my description but leave it vague enough that it could work with any combination of armor.  That's what makes sense to me.
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