Religion and Starmourn

VoritziVoritzi Member Posts: 3
Hey folks. 

I'm curious if there is any sort of organized religion that has been mentioned anywhere. I don't mean clans or factions but something that focuses around, for lack of better wording, a God(s)/Diety/Supreme Being of some sort. An organized group of devotaries, if you will.

I feel like religion is always an awesome start to RP, and with the slate clean it could truly shape the universe we have.

Thanks in advance!


  • kaykay Member Posts: 29
    The Nusriza page has this to say:

    They have a monotheistic religion called Echanism that worships a single
     god they call Echanine, but it is by no means believed in by all 
    Nusriza. It is a warrior, protector God, and much of their race lost 
    faith in it during the Bushraki Wars, when it became clear that Echanine
     either wouldn't protect them, couldn't protect them, or didn't exist, 
    and they joined into the Song Dominion with several other races. 
    Echanism prohibited fraternization with other races until then, as well 
    as the use of kith, both of which were restrictions large swathes of 
    Nusrizan society were sick of and, under threat during the wars, 
    rejected completely. This led to the Echanine Schism, which took place 
    from 31 A.E. to 35 A.E. This internal religious war split their society,
     and over time those who reject Echanine have come to dominate Nusrizan 
    culture and leadership.

    Most the pages mention something about religion, really. Might be something to read through.
  • griffgriff Member Posts: 18
    I asked on the newbie channel forget which admin told me but they said SOON™ so we are definatily getting religion cults or something.
  • SkaraSkara Member Posts: 16
    Start hunting for spice.  Now.
  • bairlochbairloch Member Posts: 373 ✭✭✭
    Decheeran have the Tal. Not a religion. Just a way.
  • EiphyEiphy Member Posts: 37 ✭✭
    Will there be admin interaction similar to orders, even if there aren't gods? That side of the game always felt especially magical.
  • CubeyCubey Member Posts: 333 ✭✭✭
    Eiphy said:
    Will there be admin interaction similar to orders, even if there aren't gods? That side of the game always felt especially magical.
    I sincerely hope not! Last thing I need playing this game is some admin's Mary Sue self insert bossing me around and zapping me for refusing to grovel before them.
  • YalauYalau Member Posts: 68 ✭✭
    Pretty sure they'll have mortal influencers instead of immortal ones.
  • KaxKax Member Posts: 102 ✭✭✭
    Ry'nari are described as having a sort of vestigial animism, at least. I'm pretty sure my mindsim has some sort of soul, at any rate.
    "You know what the chain of command is? It’s the chain I go get and beat you with ’til you understand who’s in ruttin’ command here."
  • NusrizanNusrizan Member Posts: 22
    I think religions would be interesting and should be included in Starmourn. Many Sci-Fi movies and games have thousands of religions galaxy-wide. Every culture is different with their own beliefs and I think that would enhance Starmourn richly. And since Nusriza already have a religion, I would love to see more of that in-game.
  • AureliusAurelius Administrator Posts: 467 Starmourn staff
    Sure, there's plenty of religions of various kinds. There are just no actual gods as exist in our other games.
  • griffgriff Member Posts: 18
    All hail our one and true Savior Lord Sidious and his arc angel Vader as spoken in the one true ancient vid "The Empire Strikes Back" you too if you follow the true path of the dark side can have this glorious empire that was old earth . Do not let the evil Jedi swade you to the false ways of the light side for they have false promises . 
  • RocketCatRocketCat Member Posts: 199 ✭✭✭
    Wuff said:
    I mean... I'm going with Empyreals? 

    I'm going to be worshipping them as a Nanoseer.

    Possibly more of the Elder beings that exist(ed) too.
    This is going to be my approach as well!
    Hi, I'm Ata. Oh and maybe some other people, too. o:) Check out my various packages for Nexus: Vuu combat system, Global Pathfinder, Slicer Tools, Ship compass, JS from command line, Vitals Tracker, and Equipment Manager.
  • oldarkoldark Member Posts: 6
    I'm a fan of the Cult of the Mindsim.  We are the mindsim, the mindsim is one.  They've been in our heads for iteration after iteration. Our bodies die but the mindsim lives on in a new body. How do you know that *your* thoughts and actions aren't really the mindsims? Do you hear your voice when thinking about what to do in your head? Could it be the mindsim speaking using your voice?
  • BobbtheBreakerBobbtheBreaker Member Posts: 34 ✭✭
    And why do we the Mindsims keep uploading into meat? What a bunch of perverts. 
  • ThaithThaith Member Posts: 22
    There's a section of the lore that specifically talks about higher planes and ties into the Ishvana and all that:

    "In the time of Wild Kith, before the Worldbreaking, there was the occasional race that grew so advanced in its use of Wild Kith that it found a way to collectively elevate the entire species, often with their home planet included, to a higher place of existence."

    It's not crazy to think that there are people who know what the Ishvana is after, and even think it's a worthwhile goal. It just went a little crazy trying to do it. >:)
    Stance Helper: An interactive way to learn the ins and outs of Fury stances
  • PollivarPollivar Member Posts: 115 ✭✭✭
    There are ishvana cults IG!
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