<div>The 5 credits you just purchased on the credit market are bound.</div><div>You have gained 12 bonus lessons as a result of the bound credits you just received.</div><div>You will receive an additional .5 lesson the next time you convert or receive an odd number of bound </div><div>credits.<br><br>From HELP CREDITS:<br><br><div><div>How do I get credits?</div><div>---------------------</div><div>Credits can be acquired in several ways, such as:</div><div> - direct purchase from the website (http://www.starmourn.com/credits)</div><div><b> - from other players on the credit market (see HELP CREDIT MARKET)</b></div><div> - from other players via transfers</div><div><br></div><div>Bound Credits can be acquired in many ways, such as:</div><div> - achieving certain levels of experience</div><div> - trading in artifacts</div><div> - prizes<br><br></div></div></div>
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Absolutely condemn speculative investing in this fashion both IRL and in games, it's as bad as freaking lootboxes.
In that case, I strongly suggest updating HELP CREDITS to reflect that. Perhaps even append a line to the output of CREDITS FOR SALE that specifies all purchases will be bound.
I also wonder if it wouldn't be possible to make it so acquiring bound credits from the credit market still gave you bonus lessons, same as converting credits from the website. Kinda sucks that you can only get those bonus lessons for money, otherwise.
"They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
— Oscar Wilde
"I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
— Margaret Atwood
I like this system, it lets us get skills up anyway and the chances are you'll be able to buy artefacts with them... so really all this does it get rid of the whole "I'll buy up the market then put it all back on a double price" thing that happens in the other IRE games.
If you want to buy/trade/sell keep your marks, if you want to buy lessons or arties when they come out, convert on the market. If you want to turn $$$ into marks, buy some unbound from the sight and sell them on the market. This way we don't end up in the same state of Achaea where gold generation is almost purely used to buy credits on the market, so you can trade credits with other players.
- Having this card grants you exclusive membership to the repair club of the Starmourn sector.
- No nanoseer should be seen without this, goofy-looking as it may be!
- Doubles nanite maximum, and removes the nanite cost for using miniaturisation.