Scatterhome FactionTalk

NoxAmaraNoxAmara Member Posts: 7
Is it just me, or are some channels just...depressing as hell for a game that just launched? It would be kind of nice if the Dev Team had "Paragons" [Gods], so to speak, over each of the factions to oversee nonsense, and keep some of the chaos in line with a basic code of ethics. IDK...should I just FTOFF like everyone else? ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )


  • VictoriaVictoria Member Posts: 22 ✭✭
    God please yes.
  • ZaoulZaoul Member Posts: 14
    I'm going to play devil's advocate slightly and urge you to just suck it up, Princess. 

    We need Scatterhome to stay IC, period. But if you can't handle the utter chaos that is and will be Scatterhome, you should probably just FTOFF for now. I can assure you that once the game has been up for a while, people will calm down slightly, some of the idiots will be weeded out, and SH will be ever so slightly better. 
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