So I'm super happy about this finally happening. And I know we've all had frustrations but I thought it would be nice for us to express gratitude for all the hard work that's gone into this. So fuckin' thanks
@Aurelius @Tecton and all the beta testers and all the other players for making this great. I'm excited to actually have the attention to devote to Starmourn tomorrow.
I'm gone.
So thank you all for bringing us this game, and thanks to everyone playing it and and sticking around through the rough patches. It's going to be amazing.
"They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
— Oscar Wilde
"I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
— Margaret Atwood
Space. I have no words. Piloting my ship manually to Gallen from Glisal somehow took me back to the days of Dune 1, just flying around and getting excited about everything that pops up at my screen. You have successfully infected me with the love of this expanse and the desire to just forget everything and explore. I could not care less for the graphics, which, by the way, are awesome for a MUD.
Hacking. Ok, I initially have not planned on spending too much time on this, but it absolutely grew on me. The simplicity of the interface reminds me somehow of the tabletop version of Cyberpunk 2020.
Battleflow + Rage. The core Fury mechanics feel exactly as I have imagined! The descriptions are vivid and the systems already allow me to create my own deadly danced. And I am far from maxing the skills, so there is a lot of fun still ahead! My desk is littered with small scraps of paper, containing all the ability details, so I can easily shuffle them around and experiment with different combos.
These are my big wins for now, and I have more to try out! Thank you so much, team! For all the work so far, and for staying up on a weekend before Christmas! Stay bright, don't let the avalanche of bugs and fixes bury your pride!
*claps wildly*
The one thing i did not expect to enjoy so much was hacking. Simple, elegant and challenging. Wonderful stuff.
(Would be nice to have more lower level terminals to practice on in Song but even the higher level ones i know i will lose to are a blast to fiddle with.)
I was wrong!
- Ilyos (August 2019)
I added a few low level terminals around Song tonight - have fun finding these! Associated quests for them will be coming soon.
[Zneer]: Listen up, snapperhead - you've got a message. Would you like me to read it to you or are you going to continue to pretend you're literate?
[Zneer]: You have no unread messages. Sad, but given that it's you, predictable.
Thank you so much!
EDIT to ADD: Also, whomever wrote the Atrium kids quest... just wonderful. I can totally relate.
And I play a Fury because I am super edgy and wanted to be like Kirito. These are common archetypes but the way they've been described in their actions and abilities is very evocative and I really like it.