Launch Day

TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
After 18+ hours straight, I've gotta call it quits for the day. I thought I'd put a few notes up on things before I sleep for a few hours. 

1) Wow - what a turnout! You guys came out in droves to play, and for that we're eternally grateful! I know things were not as smooth as anyone wanted (especially us), but such is the way with beta launches and almost 500 people on at once. As a MUD game in 2018, that's awesome to see.

2) As I just touched on, there were some definitely rough patches, and we'll continue to improve on those with every waking hour. I do apologise if getting stuck or another bug did leave a sour taste in your mouth. We hope that you'll stick with us in the coming days, months, years as Starmourn evolves and grows!

3) Things that we're prioritizing very highly at the moment:
  • Learning - one-at-a-time learning was supposed to only be for players, but somehow it didn't work like that and it's a bit of a bear to fix. Will spend a couple of hours tomorrow getting this fixed up so there's no waiting in line to learn things.
  • Quests -  A few quests, especially the slave quest on Gallen, just aren't ideal for the volume of people we had on, we'll be fixing these up to be less tedious.
  • Intro sticking points - We've nabbed a bunch of these tonight, but I'm sure there's more that you guys will find, we'll be improving these 
  • Accessibility issues - We'll be adding some new accessibility options for our screenreader users to make things like completely gagging the prompt easier.
Of course, alongside this, all of the regular balancing, bugfixing and general polish, but I wanted to make light of these ones especially, as they've been the glaring issues of evening #1 for Starmourn.

Again, thank you for your patience and understanding as we iron these things out. And I'll see you in-game in a few hours!


  • BlitBlit Member Posts: 2
    @Tecton Don't know where to report bugs as can't get back in-game, but created character, logged off and when I come back to log on says Password is wrong. Definitely know what password I used and not typing wrong. Tried "forgot password" link, and put in email and character name and never get an email to reset it either. Pls assist. Don't know if I somehow happen to be the only one this is happening to or not.
  • SkylarkSkylark Member Posts: 6
    Launches are hard and this went pretty well all things considered.  Congrats!
  • OryxOryx Moderator Posts: 112 Moderator
    Blit said:
    @Tecton Don't know where to report bugs as can't get back in-game, but created character, logged off and when I come back to log on says Password is wrong. Definitely know what password I used and not typing wrong. Tried "forgot password" link, and put in email and character name and never get an email to reset it either. Pls assist. Don't know if I somehow happen to be the only one this is happening to or not.
    The character hadn't been fully created so it got a little stuck. You can now try recreating Blit from the start if you like!
  • IndiIndi Member Posts: 213 ✭✭✭
    I didn't get to try the game until about 12 hours after open. The starter quest went fine for me so I guess the more serious 'unintended features'  had been fixed.

    Great implementation of a quest log/system. Dialogue trees are amazing. I thought it was a cool idea when announced a while back, but did not understand how much they would change the 'feel' of a mud.

    My only criticism is quest speech during space flight. There is no way to actually read it. The first intro, which I did while sitting on the lounge with my laptop, once the ship started moving I had no idea what else to do and eventually just relinquished controls.

    Second time round I was at my desk and with better controls of my scrollback (i.e. a mouse wheel and discrete page up/down keys) I got to shoot the cannon etc.

    On a positive note, spaceflight is fun and really looks great - way better than ascii has any right to look, to be honest. So well done!

    I haven't decided yet whether to capture the space mapview to a separate console, or (given the size of it) to leave it in the main window and just capture all other stuff elsewhere.

    Overall though, very positive and refreshingly new in feel. Well done and thanks for the hard work! Now I just need to decide which character/class to stick with for the time being.
  • AntidasAntidas Member Posts: 24
    Kestrel said:
    Tecton said:
    • Quests -  A few quests, especially the slave quest on Gallen, just aren't ideal for the volume of people we had on, we'll be fixing these up to be less tedious.
    I think making NPC dialogue invisible to anyone it isn't directed at might help, at least temporarily. It's entirely possible that the player population will shrink in the coming months and the high volume could just be due to launch hype, and then maybe you could undo such a change. But for now, especially with the early quest mobs, approaching them is just a very confusing dialogue spam that's hard to follow, due to everyone greeting/interacting at once in order to progress their quests.
    So much this - it was my #1 frustration with the game so far. Every time I tried to do a quest that involved talking to someone I just found it next to impossible  to track my own conversation with that denizen because there were so many other people doing it at the same time. Got to the point that I actually decided to stop trying to do quests and was just gonna go back to them at some point when not as many people would be online.
  • BlitBlit Member Posts: 2
    Oryx said:
    Blit said:
    @Tecton Don't know where to report bugs as can't get back in-game, but created character, logged off and when I come back to log on says Password is wrong. Definitely know what password I used and not typing wrong. Tried "forgot password" link, and put in email and character name and never get an email to reset it either. Pls assist. Don't know if I somehow happen to be the only one this is happening to or not.
    The character hadn't been fully created so it got a little stuck. You can now try recreating Blit from the start if you like!
    @Oryx Thanks!

  • CorvusCorvus Member Posts: 14 ✭✭
    Antidas said:

    So much this - it was my #1 frustration with the game so far. Every time I tried to do a quest that involved talking to someone I just found it next to impossible  to track my own conversation with that denizen because there were so many other people doing it at the same time. Got to the point that I actually decided to stop trying to do quests and was just gonna go back to them at some point when not as many people would be online.
    If I had any gripe, it would be this as well. It's easy to become immersed in the story and gameplay but when you have to focus on other players' text trees, it's very hard to follow conversations. I have been playing at odd times now, to try and combat bottle necks on npcs or heavy traffic areas but occasionally I'll have competing dialogue.
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