I might add more to this as I play over the weekend/next weeks, but I wanted to start a thread with my general tutorial feedback thus far. I've played MUDs before, but that was back in 1990s so things have changed. I'm also now spoiled by MMOs, so some of the things I list might not be technically feasible with clients as they are now. I'm playing on the Nexus client in Google Chrome, for reference.
1) Autocomplete doesn't seem to match mobs properly, and/or they are not aliased to shortened references. For example, I had to type look wreckage, not look wreck.
2) The bartender in the cantina can only be greeted / looked at as bartender, not as Bushraki.
3) In the fighting pit, the goredogs cannot be examined by name (look Magnet, look Hookmaw). I also haven't figured out yet how to examine the 2nd, 3rd, etc. instances of identical mobs in a room (that is, look 2.goredog, look goredog.2, look goredog 2, etc. - none work, so I'm not sure what the syntax is).
4) Several commands give you the error message that you "can't do that yet". It would be useful to have something more specific, such as, "You can't perform this command until you have finished the tutorial." or "That command does not exist", or "You must be at least level 5 to <COMMAND>", or something.
5) After dealing with Elzi, her corpse is present but you cannot loot it, pick it up (and put it in the incinerator later >.>) or anything else. Clearly she has a blaster and possibly some money on her; you should be able to loot it!
6) Similarly, after dealing with the Loroi slavers/overseer, they do not leave any corpses behind, even though they should. For the sake of immersion, I would suggest giving an in-game reason why the corpses are not present to be looted (or throwing an error message that "you don't have time to do that now! You need to escape!", with possible death-punishment if you stick around long enough to get caught anyways).
7) Moving the faction chat and newbie chat channels to the side panel to clear main-screen clutter, breaks dialog. There are instances where the NPC dialog shows up in the side-menu instead, which in and of itself is not a big deal, but your own response dialog options ALSO appear/disappear there, making it impossible to continue the quest dialog without returning faction/newbie chat to the main dialog window.
8) Commands to mute channels does not appear to be functioning.
9) It would be extremely useful to be able to separate individual chat channels (newbie, faction, private, etc.) into separate tabs, or recolor them specifically to be able to tell them apart in the scroll. This might be a client setting I haven't found / figured out yet.
10) While there are icy boulders and such around that the descriptions sound like they might be climbable, I was not able to climb them. It struck me odd to have physical objects present which were not interactable in any way (unless I missed it); if they're just for description/atmosphere, why make them objects instead of just text references in the room description?
11) Not tested yet, but I'm curious if there is a purely in-character communications channel (i.e. similar to faction or global, but for roleplayers). If not, can one be created?
Just right-click on another window and select channel -> <whatever channel> and it'll create a tab for that channel on that window.
If you don't want chat from those channels showing up in the main window, go into settings after that and tick the "Hide all chat messages in the main window if they are shown in another tab" button.