Saturday, December 15th, Release Date

JumpyJumpy Administrator Posts: 11 Starmourn staff
The newsletter I sent out yesterday incorrectly said the release would be on Friday the 15th. That is not possible. It will be Saturday the 15th.

Sorry about that.

We will let you know the exact time we open up the server in the next day or so.

Are we excited?


  • MichlistusMichlistus Member Posts: 28 ✭✭
    Very! It's 00:00:00 GMT on the 15th right? So for some of us in America it will still be Friday (if I can trust these GMT to CST converters lol)?

  • JumpyJumpy Administrator Posts: 11 Starmourn staff
    Very! It's 00:00:00 GMT on the 15th right? So for some of us in America it will still be Friday (if I can trust these GMT to CST converters lol)?

    I'll post the exact time later today or tomorrow. It will probably be on Saturday in the US time zones.
  • bairlochbairloch Member Posts: 373 ✭✭✭
    Jumped the gun, did we?
    Most appropriate forum name ever.
  • JumpyJumpy Administrator Posts: 11 Starmourn staff
    Sairys said:
    Looks correct to me too.
  • CorvusCorvus Member Posts: 14 ✭✭
    Much excite!!
  • XiruXiru Member Posts: 501 ✭✭✭✭
    Yes! Yes we are excited!
    Vote for Starmourn! Don't hurt Poffy.
  • AmmonAmmon Member Posts: 3
    Eh, so midnight or close to midnight for this neck of the woods... bummer
  • SqueakumsSqueakums Member Posts: 230 ✭✭✭
    6am Sunday  :o

    Still super excited! A 60 hour wait from now for all of us, and that makes me feel better hehe. 
  • QueanQuean Member Posts: 87 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    A countdown widget, if anyone wants one :-) Too bad we don't have signatures in this forum.
    Starmourn Launch Countdown:
  • QitorienQitorien Member Posts: 361 ✭✭✭
    Quean said:
    A countdown widget, if anyone wants one :-) Too bad we don't have signatures in this forum.
    signatures, you say? :P
    As T'rath has pierced the veil, so will I, and so will my life become complete in a good death.
    Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM
    teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
    GrootToday at 2:16 PM
      if there's no kittens in space
      I'm going on a rampage
    TectonToday at 2:17 PM
      They're called w'hoorn, Groot
      sets out a saucer of milk
  • TurtleHermitZ9kTurtleHermitZ9k Member Posts: 12
    Yeah I wish we had signatures too :( 
    ~ The Turtle Hermit way is to work hard and grow in strength every day. ~
  • bairlochbairloch Member Posts: 373 ✭✭✭
    ugh, no image sigs. fight the urge. stay clean.
  • IndiIndi Member Posts: 213 ✭✭✭
    Nah let people change their text sigs to images: which I can choose not to view in the forum prefs.
  • QueanQuean Member Posts: 87 ✭✭✭
    Note to self: the fact that I don't know how to do something (edit signature) does not mean that something is impossible... Anyway, the countdown link is now in my sig :)
    Starmourn Launch Countdown:
  • BorranBorran Member Posts: 8
    Tomorrow night, we dine in Hell...'s Cantina and drift among the stars. 
  • caimencaimen Member Posts: 3
  • DPierreDPierre Member Posts: 24
  • MarkovMarkov Member Posts: 9
    Long time lurker, first time poster. I am genuinely excited to get into game and discover this universe. Woooo!
  • LivingDynamoLivingDynamo Member Posts: 2
    Ohh when I got the notification I remember why I signed up to this! I'm an Iron realms newb. Which part of the lore should I be brushing up on?
  • XiruXiru Member Posts: 501 ✭✭✭✭
    @LivingDynamo Have you read the website about the different player races and civilizations? And classes?  I would start there then hit the wiki.
    Vote for Starmourn! Don't hurt Poffy.
  • KevinRobertsKevinRoberts Member Posts: 26
    Hey all, quick question,
    when starmourn opens, am guessing the wiki and lore will stay intact but what about the devolopement news is that section of the site moveing, or will it remain in the same place as it always has been. and I am guessing the connection info to connect with your own mud client, it would be the same as all Ironrelms games, port 23  am  guessing I am so ready for this and to give feedback.
    Kevin Roberts
  • AureliusAurelius Administrator Posts: 467 Starmourn staff port 23 

    Correct, yep. That's the default telnet port, so you can pretty much always just ignore the port when connecting to us. 
  • ReebReeb Member Posts: 3
    $ telnet
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    Rapture Runtime Environment v2.4.6 -- (c) 2017 -- Iron Realms Entertainment
    Multi-User License: 100-0005-000
       / __/ /____ _______ _  ___  __ _________
      _\ \/ __/ _ `/ __/  ' \/ _ \/ // / __/ _ \
     /___/\__/\_,_/_/ /_/_/_/\___/\_,_/_/ /_//_/
    Please enter the name of your Starmourn character. Type NEW to create a new 
    character, or QUIT to quit. >
    Creation is not enabled yet.
    Please enter the name of your Starmourn character. Type NEW to create a new 
    character, or QUIT to quit. >
    Connection closed by foreign host.
  • LuckyStephy13LuckyStephy13 Member Posts: 2
    Ahhh, so excited!! I was hoping to be able to log in when I woke up, but I suppose I can wait...
  • QueanQuean Member Posts: 87 ✭✭✭
    Less than 8 hours to go :-)
    Starmourn Launch Countdown:
  • ironcross32ironcross32 Member Posts: 1
    I've been watching this project for 2 years now, though not delving too deeply into it, but I am excited for later today. In the time between now and the release, I can see I have some reading to do XD.
  • MinionMinion Member Posts: 162 ✭✭✭
    I am most excited to chat with my mindsim. 
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