Sneak Preview: Dialogue Trees!

OryxOryx Moderator Posts: 112 Moderator
edited November 2018 in The Commsphere
Hi everyone! While you are patiently awaiting Starmourn's release... here is an example of how the majority of NPC interactions in the game will work. This differs significantly from other IRE games, where a lot of interactions rely on you figuring out the right keywords to say aloud.

The Earth-meme-loving wrangler here is the product of the "You Make the Mob" project we did on the forums a while ago, in case anyone thought I forgot about it! (no, the NPCs are not all like this, most have much more culturally appropriate things to say)

>>> look
A small zhubeast corral. 
Electricity surges along the wire fencing that surrounds this livestock corral. The interior is filled with packed sand that appears to be swept often and kept clean. A well in the middle gurgles with fresh water, and two feeding stations offer hay and grain. At the far end is a three-sided shelter with a sloped roof for keeping rain off the livestock. A scaly, two-headed zhubeast lumbers slowly around the area. An Amaian zhubeast wrangler perches on a fence post, reading a book. 
You see an exit leading west.

>>> survey
You are currently in Main Camp of Usum Usutti.
You have explored 100% of this area.

>>> p wrangler
-- Nunya  (#11239) ------------------------------------------------------------
Race:             Amaian                                Gender: Female
Affiliation:      Unknown                               Status: Healthy
Description:      Uncharacteristically dusty for an Amaian, this woman is dressed in faded brown leather trousers and a shirt of undyed hardweave, the sleeves rolled to her elbows, her fins chapped and weathered from overexposure to the dust and sun. A cloth of pale blue is wrapped around her lower face and neck, concealing her expression and protecting her gills, and a large hat keeps the rest of her face in shadow. Her eyes, nevertheless, are sharp and dark, keenly alert to her surroundings. You estimate that she is about as strong as you.

>>> greet wrangler
You acknowledge Nunya in greeting.
Nunya barely looks up from her reading material.
Nunya says, "Can I help you, tenderfoot?"
[1.] What's your name?
[2.] What brings you to a place like this?
[3.] What are you reading?
[4.] Do you have zhu meat?
[5.] I can haz zhuburger?
[6.] Can I buy a zhubeast?
[7.] No, just looking around.

>>> 2
Nunya says, "I was sent from the future to help avert a nuclear apocalypse, which is imminently near if we don't stop the Ishvana from taking over."
[1.] What are you reading?
[2.] Do you have zhu meat?
[3.] I can haz zhuburger?
[4.] Can I buy a zhubeast?
[5.] See you around.

>>> 1
Nunya says, "It's a book. Very low tech."
[1.] What brings you to a place like this?
[2.] Do you have zhu meat?
[3.] I can haz zhuburger?
[4.] Can I buy a zhubeast?
[5.] See you around.

>>> 1
Nunya says, "When I was young, I was kidnapped and subjected to secret government experimentation. They exploited my psychic abilities and turned me into an assassin... Eventually my brother helped me to escape. They're probably still after me, but for now I'm free!"
[1.] What are you reading?
[2.] Do you have zhu meat?
[3.] I can haz zhuburger?
[4.] Can I buy a zhubeast?
[5.] See you around.

>>> 4
Nunya says, "Why would you want to? They make terrible pets."
[1.] What are you reading?
[2.] What brings you to a place like this?
[3.] Do you have zhu meat?
[4.] I can haz zhuburger?
[5.] See you around.

>>> 5
Nunya says, "Smell ya later."


  • MalashMalash Member Posts: 259 ✭✭✭
    Can we....actually acquire zhuburgers via this person? I kinda want to try one.
  • bairlochbairloch Member Posts: 373 ✭✭✭
    Oryx said:
    An Amaian zhubeast wrangler perches on a fence post, reading a book. 
    That seems oddly familiar... :)

    This will be very different. Not sure if I'll prefer this to the more free-form style of Lusternia.

    But I'm excited to find out!
  • ErrantErrant Member Posts: 34 ✭✭
    Firefly references FTW.
  • IndiIndi Member Posts: 213 ✭✭✭
    Very cool. Are they clickable?
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Yep, if you have MXP enabled, you can click on them, or you just just type the number next to the option to select it.
  • MinionMinion Member Posts: 162 ✭✭✭
    Will you be able to actually say the phrase in order to trigger the dialogue tree or will it only be mxp/selection?
  • RothareRothare Member Posts: 66 ✭✭
    That's an interesting way to setup the dialogue. I like it!
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