Beta contest entries



  • KnightfallKnightfall Member Posts: 5
    Albian, Jin B.E.A.S.T and warrior priest. STARMOURN HERE I COME.
  • bennettbennett Member Posts: 1
    Jin Scoundrel. Interested in playing a race that reveres death and a class that values saving it's own skin.
  • AarloAarlo Member Posts: 1
    I will protect the forest as a Decheeran Nanoseer.
  • GerfGerf Member Posts: 1
    Human Scoundrel would be fun, but right now I'm totally leaning toward Tukkan Engineer.
  • HaliganHaligan Member Posts: 1
    Elgan Fury of course! "Do not beckon the dragon, unless you are prepared to receive him!"
  • spellsmithspellsmith Member Posts: 2
    I've been following Starmourn via email and website, but haven't been on the forums before.  This, however, finally got me to register.

    Tukkav are my species of preference, because the concept art of the starship commander looks so awesome. I love that kind of "primal" appearance paired with this leadership/philosophical/imperial kind of pose/stance.  Just love it.

    Classwise, I'm torn.  The Fury sounds awesome and like a challenge to play, which I would love to try to master, but I'm also a roleplayer, so a Tukkav Fury might be a little iffy unless I'm okay with a backstory full of "that time I set my fur on fire while practicing my stances".   (Which... I mean, really, I'd be okay with that.  DEADLY SWORDSMASTER BY DAY, embarrassing stories of adolescent bravado by night.)

    If I didn't do Fury, I'd absolutely have to be a Scoundrel.  I know that giant furry primates are not exactly the "sneaky sneaky" type, but again:  it sounds like a challenging concept to make work, roleplay-wise, and I'd love to take a shot at it.   I'm already imagining him or her as a sort of "yes, yes, I know, duty, responsibility, blah blah blah.... have another lapteth and RELAX, my friend!"

    Also, getting into the Starmourn beta will give me a chance to dive into something I've been missing for a while:  a good, solid MUD that's NOT generic boilerplate High Fantasy.  Also-also, if it helps my chances, I used to be an Immortal and a Builder back on an old Diku/ROM mud back in the mid-90s.  If that hurts my chances, I totally did not do any of that.

    If I do get into the beta, I'll be paying attention to the mechanics and gameplay, of course, but I'll also be turning a special eye towards roleplay-oriented things, such as profiles, character customization, emotes and poses, character interaction, chat functionality (say, shout, whispers), and such like.  I like PvE and questing and levelling up, but for me, Roleplay potential and community is the reason I stick with any multiplayer game.

    Yes, I'm over 18.  
  • EllonimEllonim Member Posts: 1
    An outwardly humorless Shen Nanoseer and artist.
  • UltimaUltima Member Posts: 9
    Ry'nari B.E.A.S.T!
  • DreacorDreacor Member Posts: 1
    Definitely Jin Nanoseer!
  • RezTheFutureRezTheFuture Member Posts: 1
    I'm excited about the Jin! Their focus on death makes for an interesting character outlook. I'm debating between Scoundrel and Engineer...something that bends the 'honorable' part of their life and could lead to someone who struggles a bit with what their skills lend themselves toward. 
  • TadrilTadril Member Posts: 3
    Going with a classic Human Engineer here. The stars are strange enough. This will be one humans journey to build a better can opener and craft a bigger mouse trap as he voyages through space.
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  • BahtellBahtell Member Posts: 1
    Long time MUDder and obsessed with Starmourn like most everyone here.

    I think the easy in RP-wise would be Human Scoundrel but the Shen Nanoseer is fascinating. I think I'm quite a ways from settling what would be my end-game combination of race/class. I think my playstyle would focusing on gathering resources and working toward building an empire rather than PVP ganking. I'm really looking forward to the space movement and ship building portion of the game. This should be interesting... Let's Go!
  • AquilusAquilus Member Posts: 1
    Thinking Krona Fury.
  • zxxxxxsxxxzxxxxxsxxx Member Posts: 1
    Nath-el Fury. Does it make sense? Does it have to? Bug With Fire Sword GET
  • SexyWoodenSpoonSexyWoodenSpoon Member Posts: 1
    I am Groot.
    I am Groot.
    I am Groot.
  • XaricXaric Member Posts: 1
    This game looks awesome. I cant wait to test it out.
  • ValsinarValsinar Member Posts: 1
    Leaning towards a Jin Nanoseer but so many possibilities!
  • DemonsrunDemonsrun Member Posts: 1
    I'm really looking forward to trying an Elgan Fury, cheerful until you make him angry!

    Or a Jin Nanoseer... just love the design so much and the idea of being a cool space wizard.
  • Grave_KnightGrave_Knight Member Posts: 5
    Human Scoundrel. Nothing more lovable nor despicable.
  • RanuthRanuth Member Posts: 31
    Amaian Fury: The Wrath of the Deeps!
  • NatexorzNatexorz Member Posts: 1
    This game looks amazing. I cant wait to play.
  • ZymudZymud Member Posts: 1
    Fury Krona. 

    (that's 1 'r' and not 2!)
  • DoktorBedlamDoktorBedlam Member Posts: 2
    I've been so excited for this game that I've had to stay away from the forums or else I'll just start screaming because it's not out yet. Having played IRE games for the last 20 years, I'm really looking forward to the challenge behind playing a Jin Fury
  • MadeofTimeMadeofTime Member Posts: 2
    I want to be a Jin BEAST of course, and slowly replace all my weak organics until I am General Grievous' wet dream. Scoundrel as a close second, though.
  • ZerickZerick Member Posts: 1
    Shen / Nanoseer. I'd like to roleplay an elegant master of the nanite control.
  • DelastrelDelastrel Member Posts: 1
    Can't wait to try out being a shen nanoseeker.
  • TalonTalon Member Posts: 1
    While I haven't been active in the forums, I wanted as little spoiled for me as possible when joining the game, I would love to be part of the closed beta. Looking forward to trying a Amaian Fury or W'hoorn Engineer.
  • VivalasVivalas Member Posts: 1
    Human Scoundrel!  .... maybe the trope is a bit overplayed but Han Solo anyone?
  • ExideExide Member Posts: 1
    I'll be oscillating between a small selection until the last minute but Elgan Scoundrel is in the lead currently.
  • pbockpbock Member Posts: 2
    Definitely a Groot wizard...

    I mean a Decheeran Nanoseer ;)

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