Q+A Madness - September 2018



  • LindhriveLindhrive Member Posts: 14
    Reading the question about Engineers above, I am struck with curiosity: What sorts of things, if anything, will a BEAST be able to do without their fancy armour?
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Lindhrive said:
    Reading the question about Engineers above, I am struck with curiosity: What sorts of things, if anything, will a BEAST be able to do without their fancy armour?
    No plans for any form of "out of suit" viability for BEAST class at this point in time!
  • XiruXiru Member Posts: 501 ✭✭✭✭
    When is Starmourn going to open? ;) 
    Vote for Starmourn! Don't hurt Poffy.
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Syaja said:
    When is Starmourn going to open? ;) 
    2018 is still the plan!
  • AnelissaAnelissa Member Posts: 6
    Re: Skills and lessons. 

    1. How many skill sets are there going to be total? I already know of 3 class and 1 trade.

    2. You mentioned that you can gain skills in a skill set by using it. How many skills can be trained by this method? Additionally, can you use lessons to bypass having to train by this method?

    3. How many lessons to trans a skill?

    4. Will you be adopting a per 5 level credit gain system like the other Ires? If so, would you be willing to outline the numbers? Mainly is it a flat amount every 5 levels or an ascending amount like Lusternia?

    Thanks in advance!
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    edited September 2018
    Anelissa said:
    Re: Skills and lessons. 

    1. How many skill sets are there going to be total? I already know of 3 class and 1 trade.

    2. You mentioned that you can gain skills in a skill set by using it. How many skills can be trained by this method? Additionally, can you use lessons to bypass having to train by this method?

    3. How many lessons to trans a skill?

    4. Will you be adopting a per 5 level credit gain system like the other Ires? If so, would you be willing to outline the numbers? Mainly is it a flat amount every 5 levels or an ascending amount like Lusternia?

    Thanks in advance!
    1. 5 classes for launch, with 3 skills in each, with 20 - 40 abilities in each skill, 4 general skills with 10 - 25 abilities in each (2 learned, and then hacking and captaincy), 6 tradeskills with 5 abilities each (pick one of the 6).
    2. Hacking and Captaincy skills work like this. You can't use lessons to shortcut that at this time.
    3. 1750
    4. Yep, that's IRE-wide.

  • AnelissaAnelissa Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2018
    Thank you!
  • GrootGroot Member Posts: 106 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    1. I can't remember if it was said, but how soon after release will leadership positions in the 3 cities will be open for players to take over?

    2. How soon after release will Bardics be opened so I can get credits for my short-story on touring the devastated Song planet?

    3. I remember early on that there will be a system of interact-able props. Will there be any class abilities that better use certain props, or are props going to be class neutral?

    4. Is Cosmpiercer's going to be the only form of org combat on release, or will there be other objectives established that we can beat heads over?

    5. What do Decheerans think about paper? Will it be the new "fur is murder"?

    6. Is there going to be a system of Champions/Assassins that other IRE's have to help non-comms have an IG method of retribution against fighters? Is there going to be NPC bounty hunters as well?

    7. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tecton-roll pop?

    8. Is SM going to stick with the British spelling conventions when it comes to designs and such?
    Discord answered this one, it's US spelling (thank the Omega)

    9. Are there going to be any pets (artifact, temporary, mini) available on release? I want a space turtle, damn it

    10. Is there going to be any small-scale admin rp (denizens talking and unique tasks, fun games/events, etc) that takes place, or are you just planning on letting the players run around until they get tired enough for their nap?

    Edit: #8 got answered and even MORE questions!

    11. Will ship combat basically be a FFA or will there be any mechanics to encourage 1v1 or encourage ship squadrons/convoys?

    12. Will ship names be unique or can there be 50 ships named the Enterprise? If ship names will be unique, will they last forever or will they have to be renewed (to allow later players chances at names from players that go dormant)

    13. Is there a max limit to the number of ships that someone can own, or is it limitless but dependent on the ability to pay maintenance cost? Can a ship be seized for not paying or will it just decay into pieces if you don't upkeep it?

    14. Will tells still be a thing? Will there be an ig explanation of tells that makes sense and doesn't seem like a cop-out? Will nametells still be a thing (being able to do "groot what's up?" instead of "tell groot what's up?")

    15. Who DID frame Roger Rabbit?
    edit: nevermind, finished the movie

    16. What measures is the SM team taking to promote a healthy marks economy once player-based trades are fully turned on (to prevent massive inflation or to have enough gold-sinks (mark-sinks?) to make the ig currency worth it?)

    17. What sort of hilarious bugs have been made/found while trying to create these complicated systems?
  • DorcDorc Member Posts: 26 ✭✭
    Will there be free class changing for the first couple weeks after opening? Since the blurbs about classes, while great, don't really give a solid concept of what a class can/will do in play I imagine some people will want to see AB's and try things out before settling on their character choice.
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Groot said:
    1. I can't remember if it was said, but how soon after release will leadership positions in the 3 cities will be open for players to take over?

    2. How soon after release will Bardics be opened so I can get credits for my short-story on touring the devastated Song planet?

    3. I remember early on that there will be a system of interact-able props. Will there be any class abilities that better use certain props, or are props going to be class neutral?

    4. Is Cosmpiercer's going to be the only form of org combat on release, or will there be other objectives established that we can beat heads over?

    5. What do Decheerans think about paper? Will it be the new "fur is murder"?

    6. Is there going to be a system of Champions/Assassins that other IRE's have to help non-comms have an IG method of retribution against fighters? Is there going to be NPC bounty hunters as well?

    7. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tecton-roll pop?

    8. Is SM going to stick with the British spelling conventions when it comes to designs and such?
    Discord answered this one, it's US spelling (thank the Omega)
    9. Are there going to be any pets (artifact, temporary, mini) available on release? I want a space turtle, damn it

    10. Is there going to be any small-scale admin rp (denizens talking and unique tasks, fun games/events, etc) that takes place, or are you just planning on letting the players run around until they get tired enough for their nap?

    Edit: #8 got answered and even MORE questions!

    11. Will ship combat basically be a FFA or will there be any mechanics to encourage 1v1 or encourage ship squadrons/convoys?

    12. Will ship names be unique or can there be 50 ships named the Enterprise? If ship names will be unique, will they last forever or will they have to be renewed (to allow later players chances at names from players that go dormant)

    13. Is there a max limit to the number of ships that someone can own, or is it limitless but dependent on the ability to pay maintenance cost? Can a ship be seized for not paying or will it just decay into pieces if you don't upkeep it?

    14. Will tells still be a thing? Will there be an ig explanation of tells that makes sense and doesn't seem like a cop-out? Will nametells still be a thing (being able to do "groot what's up?" instead of "tell groot what's up?")

    15. Who DID frame Roger Rabbit?
    edit: nevermind, finished the movie

    16. What measures is the SM team taking to promote a healthy marks economy once player-based trades are fully turned on (to prevent massive inflation or to have enough gold-sinks (mark-sinks?) to make the ig currency worth it?)

    17. What sort of hilarious bugs have been made/found while trying to create these complicated systems?
    *gets another coffee*

    1. Pretty quickly, we'll be busy enough working on the game to run player orgs for them!
    2. No plans for a bardic contest right now, maybe down the road, but no promises.
    3. Every class has a couple of abilities that interact directly with props.
    4. In terms of mechanical conflict mechanisms, Cosmpiercers are the main one for launch.
    5. An interesting question to be sure, we'll see how it gets roleplayed out!
    6. Not yet coded, but we do have plans for a player-based champion/avenger system to come in post-launch.
    7. 2.9e^23
    8. US, yes.
    9. Not for launch
    10. Definitely going to try to do as much as possible, but I imagine the first couple of weeks are going to be us running around putting out fires :D
    11. Yeah, no real strict mechanics to encourage either way, naturally, multiple ships vs. a single target will be more effective.
    12. They're unique.
    13. No limit on the number of ships, no.
    14. Yes, tells (through the commsphere) are a thing, and nametells are a configurable options.
    15. Don't spoil it for me!
    16. A lot of the generation is based on current supplies, the systems won't generate huge amounts of resources of a particular type if there's already a bunch of it sitting around etc.
    17. Haha, many, we had one the other week were aggro-by-default mobs would keep moving to engage you 100+ times per second, or we had a fun one where if you were spacewalking, you could move into the same map square as a ship and delete the ship... :D

  • AnelissaAnelissa Member Posts: 6
    Hey guys, it's me again!

    1. Is there any plan to allow free class changing at launch to allow people to switch and swap until they get a feel for what they want?

    2. If not, will there at least be a level limit where you can change class and forget skill without penalty? If so, what level is that?

    3. Will we be able to see all the skills in a skill set and see the abs, even if unknown?

    4. Which class is your favorite And what do you like about them?

    5. I've noticed some stronger language on the website like in the beast class description. Is this going to be a more "adult" mud? Are we not going to be cracking down on cursing and the like, or do you plan on letting the community police it?

    6. Will there be jetpacks???

    7. Are the Iron Corsairs going to be a faction I can blow up? 

    That's it for now. Thank you!
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Anelissa said:
    Hey guys, it's me again!

    1. Is there any plan to allow free class changing at launch to allow people to switch and swap until they get a feel for what they want?

    2. If not, will there at least be a level limit where you can change class and forget skill without penalty? If so, what level is that?

    3. Will we be able to see all the skills in a skill set and see the abs, even if unknown?

    4. Which class is your favorite And what do you like about them?

    5. I've noticed some stronger language on the website like in the beast class description. Is this going to be a more "adult" mud? Are we not going to be cracking down on cursing and the like, or do you plan on letting the community police it?

    6. Will there be jetpacks???

    7. Are the Iron Corsairs going to be a faction I can blow up? 

    That's it for now. Thank you!
    1 + 2) You can change class with no lesson loss up until you've invested 50% of the max number of lessons in a single class skill. After that you get 50% of your lessons back. You'll be given a warning when you're about to cross this threshold, so you can't accidentally go over it.
    3) Yeah, you can see all your AB files before you learn them.
    4) Hmm tough one, I like them all in their own way :)
    5) Yeah, we're lightening up on our language rules quite a bit. Naturally, we're going to slap down anyone using unacceptable language (racial/homophobic slurs etc), but general swearing is fine.
    6) Yes!
    7) There are Iron Corsairs that you can blow up in ship PVE at launch, yes.
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Dorc said:
    Will there be free class changing for the first couple weeks after opening? Since the blurbs about classes, while great, don't really give a solid concept of what a class can/will do in play I imagine some people will want to see AB's and try things out before settling on their character choice.
    I missed this between Groot's massive wall of questions - see the answer directly above for this!
  • AnelissaAnelissa Member Posts: 6
    Annnd I'm back. Only one question. Is SM going to support gmcp at launch?
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Anelissa said:
    Annnd I'm back. Only one question. Is SM going to support gmcp at launch?
  • OrinksOrinks Member Posts: 4
    1. What is the level cap going to be as far as Endgame content etc?

    2. Will the main quests actually go up to this point like singleplayer RPGs?

    3. Will there be side quests in edition to the main quests that also tie into the main quest?

    Thanks. Very excited about this main questline in particular because no other mud does it, as far as I know.

  • KestrelKestrel Member Posts: 356 ✭✭✭✭
    It's been mentioned that we'll have the option to create player-run organisations, AKA Clans, at launch. (I hope this is still the case!)
    1. Will these be very expensive and require us to pony up some RL cash? Even utilising the word 'require' loosely, i.e., even if you could eventually grind your way towards the credit requirement in-game, if it'd take 300+ hours of grinding I'd still call that a requirement.
    2. Can we have/run more than one Clan? If there's a cap to how many we can be in or own, could you tell us what that limit will be?
    3. Will we have the option of creating secret Clans which don't show up on the equivalent of player honours, and/or potentially allow for anonymous membership or even the use of pseudonyms?
    4. What's the staff policy on OOC Clans? In experience these can often be toxic environments, but for instance I'd be interested in creating a Clan for people with an interest in emote-based roleplaying/storytelling, to help them connect with one another and for example arrange to meet at a tavern or something.
    5. Would you consider changing the term 'Clan' to 'Crew'? I'm just sayin'. Crew is much cooler and spacier.

    "They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
    — Oscar Wilde

    "I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
    — Margaret Atwood

  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Orinks said:
    1. What is the level cap going to be as far as Endgame content etc?

    2. Will the main quests actually go up to this point like singleplayer RPGs?

    3. Will there be side quests in edition to the main quests that also tie into the main quest?

    Thanks. Very excited about this main questline in particular because no other mud does it, as far as I know.

    1. 75 is the level cap, yes. Unlike most mmorpgs though, the game doesn't start at max level, everything is available all the time!
    2. Yes, the main questline goes all the way up to 75!
    3. There's multiple hundreds of other quests in the game, yes! Not a lot ties into the lower parts of the mq because it starts out very small and somewhat secretive!

  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    edited September 2018
    Kestrel said:
    It's been mentioned that we'll have the option to create player-run organisations, AKA Clans, at launch. (I hope this is still the case!)
    1. Will these be very expensive and require us to pony up some RL cash? Even utilising the word 'require' loosely, i.e., even if you could eventually grind your way towards the credit requirement in-game, if it'd take 300+ hours of grinding I'd still call that a requirement.
    2. Can we have/run more than one Clan? If there's a cap to how many we can be in or own, could you tell us what that limit will be?
    3. Will we have the option of creating secret Clans which don't show up on the equivalent of player honours, and/or potentially allow for anonymous membership or even the use of pseudonyms?
    4. What's the staff policy on OOC Clans? In experience these can often be toxic environments, but for instance I'd be interested in creating a Clan for people with an interest in emote-based roleplaying/storytelling, to help them connect with one another and for example arrange to meet at a tavern or something.
    5. Would you consider changing the term 'Clan' to 'Crew'? I'm just sayin'. Crew is much cooler and spacier.
    1. Not overly expensive, you could scrounge up enough marks in a weekend easily.
    2. You can have/run multiple clans, yes. There is a cap of 10, but we'll allow you to expand on that.
    3. You can set them to be hidden, as well as open induction, so anyone can join without an invite.
    4. No solid policy in place at this time, it's on the TBD list.
    5. Crews already exist in-game, they're our informal grouping system.
  • IndiIndi Member Posts: 213 ✭✭✭
    You said ship combat is just 1v1, and if others are involved then it's just a general freeforall.
    Also, I understand attacks are along the lines of 'shoot grootship' and not 'shoot 123 degrees'

    If I miss, and there are a bunch of ships all around, is there a chance my missed shot could hit someone else?

    I'm assuming not, so the real question is whether it is theoretically possible to add that feature in the future?

    I like the idea of formations being important, and a single, nimble ship having a chance at maybe getting away or causing a bit of damage before dying, by using the opponent's poor tactics against them.
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Indi said:
    You said ship combat is just 1v1, and if others are involved then it's just a general freeforall.
    Also, I understand attacks are along the lines of 'shoot grootship' and not 'shoot 123 degrees'

    If I miss, and there are a bunch of ships all around, is there a chance my missed shot could hit someone else?

    I'm assuming not, so the real question is whether it is theoretically possible to add that feature in the future?

    I like the idea of formations being important, and a single, nimble ship having a chance at maybe getting away or causing a bit of damage before dying, by using the opponent's poor tactics against them.
    1. Attacks are directly targeted at the ship, yeah, so they won't miss and potentially cause friendly fire.
    2. It is theoretically possible from a technical standpoint.

  • MalashMalash Member Posts: 259 ✭✭✭
    1. If the game generates new resources based on the current, available supply, won't that just encourage hoarding to impose scarcity on resources a particular player or group controls?

    2. If I log out or get disconnected while flying my ship, what happens to my ship? Does it disappear with me? Does it sit there in space waiting to get blown up?

    3. What happens to somebody else riding in my ship if I log out or get disconnected? Are they ejected into space? Trapped on a ship they can't fly (and can't exit) until I get back? Does the shipsim issue them temporary helm control?

    4. Do you have any or are you planning to have created any additional official art?
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Malash said:
    1. If the game generates new resources based on the current, available supply, won't that just encourage hoarding to impose scarcity on resources a particular player or group controls?

    2. If I log out or get disconnected while flying my ship, what happens to my ship? Does it disappear with me? Does it sit there in space waiting to get blown up?

    3. What happens to somebody else riding in my ship if I log out or get disconnected? Are they ejected into space? Trapped on a ship they can't fly (and can't exit) until I get back? Does the shipsim issue them temporary helm control?

    4. Do you have any or are you planning to have created any additional official art?
    1. Resource generation looks at how much people have hoarded away too.
    2. It will despawn after a short while.
    3. They will be able to request a rescue from an npc organisation.
    4. I'm sure there will be more to come in the future.
  • GrootGroot Member Posts: 106 ✭✭✭
    1. Are there going to be any built-in walkto for cities and other planet-side locations from launch?
    2. Are there any questions that are going to have different options depending on which org you're from?
    3. Are there going to be the equivalent of journals and manuscript available at the start?
    4. Kirk or Picard?
  • RolsandRolsand Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2018
    1. Will there be a limit on how many bots an engineer can have and transfer to another person?

    2. Once I transfer that bot to another person will it stop working after x amount of time or until I log out?

    3. Will there a slight/major debuff to the player that receives the bots?
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Groot said:
    1. Are there going to be any built-in walkto for cities and other planet-side locations from launch?
    2. Are there any questions that are going to have different options depending on which org you're from?
    3. Are there going to be the equivalent of journals and manuscript available at the start?
    4. Kirk or Picard?
    1. Yep, there's landmarks/pathfinding.
    2. Not really, no.
    3. Datashards, yes.
    4. Skywalker..

  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    edited September 2018
    Rolsand said:
    1. Will there be a limit on how many bots an engineer can have and transfer to another person?

    2. Once I transfer that bot to another person will it stop working after x amount of time or until I log out?

    3. Will all turrets and bots be mobile?

    4. Will there a slight/major debuff to the player that receives the bots?
    1/2/4 You can have one of each type of bot active at a time. You can't transfer bots to other players - maybe you're thinking of turrets?
    3. Bots are mobile, turrets are fixed. 

    With turrets, you can set up defensive networks for people for their org property/private homes/ships/entrenched location etc (akin to, say, totems in Achaea).

  • MalashMalash Member Posts: 259 ✭✭✭
    Tecton said:

    With turrets, you can set up defensive networks for people for their org property/private homes/ships/entrenched location etc (akin to, say, totems in Achaea).

    Will the other classes feature abilities like this, or are Engineers going to be the one class every group from the smallest clan to the biggest org can't do without?
  • GrootGroot Member Posts: 106 ✭✭✭
    What sort of newbie activities can we expect to do on release that's equivalent to rattings/butterflies/fishing/etc if any?
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Malash said:
    Tecton said:

    With turrets, you can set up defensive networks for people for their org property/private homes/ships/entrenched location etc (akin to, say, totems in Achaea).

    Will the other classes feature abilities like this, or are Engineers going to be the one class every group from the smallest clan to the biggest org can't do without?
    Other classes bring various other bits of utility and helpfulness to group situations. Engineers (and to a lesser extent scoundrels) are the classes that have some mercantile aspects of their class skills though.
This discussion has been closed.