So what are the chances for having a paid artifact Item to customize your own race ? (I know it wont be at launch) Or in other words can is there any chance for my dream of space goblins.
If it did exist, I imagine it would be as a rare auction item. That has happened in other IRE games in the past, I believe. But not as a commonly available artefact.
(And those luxury auction items go for super high, as you can imagine, so you would have to shell out for your super special snowflake race thing)
I've always liked the idea of sentient robots that are all that remains of a long extinct alien race. I'd create something along those lines if custom races were possible.
In another message, admin has stated that race change wouldn't be a thing. I'm not sure if this would be included in that or if they make a special exception.
As T'rath has pierced the veil, so will I, and so will my life become complete in a good death. Jin VOTE FOR STARMOURN
Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM
teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
GrootToday at 2:16 PM if there's no kittens in space I'm going on a rampage TectonToday at 2:17 PM They're called w'hoorn, Groot sets out a saucer of milk
This seems like a huge headache and I can't image any admin ever wanting to manage this.
How so ? say it is a 2k credit item or a 5K for example so it is rare. You get the premade custom race stats if stats are a thing and all you are really writing is the <s>he is a "space goblin" and is a <rest of desc> goes here . I can't see how that is a huge headache or how it any more taxing on admin time than custom recipes or any of the other customization artifacts such as pets and items etc ? This is how Iron realms make a lot of their money customizing stuff cant see how race would be a bigger headache than a blaster or a recipe or a pet or any other of the numerous stuff they allow players to customize. It is space game spec
In another message, admin has stated that race change wouldn't be a thing. I'm not sure if this would be included in that or if they make a special exception.
fair enough if they don't want to switch between races at the drop of a hat to incourage roleplay if this falls into it fine still thought I'd ask just in case they didn't think of it .
I mean, if the admin wanted you to be able to play a race then it'd be an option? Either at creation or through an artifact that gives access which requires no real oversight.
So, any race that you might try customising to would either be one the admin don't want you to or one that doesn't exist and would be declined... so being able to request a custom race would serve no purpose.
Well, in the sense of it not being something fundamentally impossible, like giving you an artie that would (correctly) tell you what the square root of -1 is, yes, there's a chance!
(And those luxury auction items go for super high, as you can imagine, so you would have to shell out for your super special snowflake race thing)
if there's no kittens in space
I'm going on a rampage
TectonToday at 2:17 PM
They're called w'hoorn, Groot
sets out a saucer of milk
fair enough if they don't want to switch between races at the drop of a hat to incourage roleplay if this falls into it fine still thought I'd ask just in case they didn't think of it
So, any race that you might try customising to would either be one the admin don't want you to or one that doesn't exist and would be declined... so being able to request a custom race would serve no purpose.