Character Concepts



  • MalashMalash Member Posts: 259 ✭✭✭
    Squeakums said:
    I want my character to be, first and foremost, a cook. He will explore faraway and remote planets in search of the most exotic ingredients to create culinary masterpieces. Furies seem really fun, so I'll have to find a way to tie that together.

    I had originally considered a mercenary of sorts, but like @UninsurablePilot said, it might be fun to balance them out with the other side of the business deal. 
    Convenient, as a Fury you wouldn't even need a kitchen to cook.
  • QueanQuean Member Posts: 87 ✭✭✭
    I have already shared somewhere on this forum a short story depicting my character, but as we are gathering all the concepts here, I'm happy to join in!

    Basically, it is my intention to build a warrior-poet-lover-mysitic character, much inspired by Oberyn Martell from the Game of Thrones, as well as by Kakita Toshimoko from the L5R universe. As my greatest memories from Achaea come from well role-played rituals and social interactions, I want to create for myself as many opportunities for such role-playing as possible. My real-life inspirations will be: the poetry of Rumi, tantra and some elements of Daoism - but only to the extent that the Jedi were influenced by zen, which is just enough to make the characters engaging.

    As for the race-class combination, a W'hoorn Fury seems perfect for the job. Star kith will be a great symbol of the intense love of life, the passion and brightness I want to role-play.
    Starmourn Launch Countdown:
  • GarrickGarrick Member Posts: 18 ✭✭
    Quean said:
    I have already shared somewhere on this forum a short story depicting my character, but as we are gathering all the concepts here, I'm happy to join in!

    Basically, it is my intention to build a warrior-poet-lover-mysitic character, much inspired by Oberyn Martell from the Game of Thrones, as well as by Kakita Toshimoko from the L5R universe. As my greatest memories from Achaea come from well role-played rituals and social interactions, I want to create for myself as many opportunities for such role-playing as possible. My real-life inspirations will be: the poetry of Rumi, tantra and some elements of Daoism - but only to the extent that the Jedi were influenced by zen, which is just enough to make the characters engaging.

    As for the race-class combination, a W'hoorn Fury seems perfect for the job. Star kith will be a great symbol of the intense love of life, the passion and brightness I want to role-play.
    For referencing L5R, GoT and Star Wars in a single post you have become my favorite person, and probably the most interesting concept I've read so far!
  • SlanderSlander Member Posts: 176 ✭✭✭
    I think I kinda touched on this with my post in the beta contest thread, maybe not. I've mostly played either very formal casters or, less frequently, typical rogues in the past. Months ago I had ideas along those lines - either a devout Jin Nanoseer or scumbag Human Scoundrel - but I've gone the other direction and now think I'll most likely play a totally irreverant Human Nanoseer. Not the most original by far but definitely something different than my go-tos. Though, in the back of my mind, there is the nagging idea of trying a B.E.A.S.T. Heavily armoured classes are something I've never gotten into in a fantasy setting so it might be enjoyably different here.
    I'm gone.
  • KuraksviKuraksvi Member Posts: 23
    A human scoundrel who's a damn good pilot, with a hunger for discovery and to have a world of their own. If she can't do that, she'll become one of those people in Scatterhome that are mining and refining moguls. Also since she's a good pilot, she'll run a chauffeuring service that take people and their cargo from point A to point B, no questions asked.
  • ErrantErrant Member Posts: 34 ✭✭
    Decheeran Engineer whose planet was attacked by Celestine Ascendancy corporate security forces. Entire Groves destroyed.

    The Song Dominions' lack of concern beyond tactical considerations caused him to turn his back on both civilizations and head for Scatterhome. 
    He's a tad obsessed with creating symbiosis between living things and technology. Everything from his ship to any apartments(house,pod,etc.) will be like walking into a forest or jungle.  
  • TelonosTelonos Member Posts: 3
    Hi folks. Very new here but super excited about the possibilities with this new universe. I have a few potential concepts floating around in my head:

    Elgan scientist/engineer - mad scientist type
    Human archeologist/historian - sort of a mashup of Indiana Jones and Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Jin mercenary/bounty hunter - general "fixer"/troubleshooter, maybe on retainer to some corporation that's not above shady business dealings

    A couple others that I'm still mulling over, but these three are the ones that are intriguing me the most at the moment. Still deciding on classes and genders. I love character creation. :)
    -||Ausaeus Aurazi||-
  • TelonosTelonos Member Posts: 3
    Malash said:
    The way people've been talking, I don't think we'll have any corporations not doing shady business.
    One can only hope. Having lots of options is a good thing :pleased: Plus it gives the do-gooders something to rail against, hehe.
    -||Ausaeus Aurazi||-
  • SynsiaSynsia Member Posts: 13 ✭✭
    I'm so excited to bring my Jin scoundrel to life. As with most of my characters, she'll likely be a real clean shade of true-neutral-grey, which is nice when there are so many idea options floating around! One of my most anticipated things is seeing where the environment and interactions will take her. I know her personality, that she has an affinity for candy (of which gummy type will be her favorite), that she is clever and capable albeit a little bumbling at times. Definitely will have a techy-edge. Probably will be involved with the (il)legal organ trade? Cybernetic/bionic health industry? ... but we'll see what's needed on the market. Gotta take supply and demand into consideration!
  • AvaeAvae Member Posts: 9
    Something, something, a big and tough Ry'nari in a BEAST suit. She's kinda dumb but tries to make up for it with fire power and a fiery attitude. We'll start from there :D 
  • KaedokKaedok Member Posts: 25
    Jin Engineer, his shtick with death worship is to honor his fallen comrades and enemies by incorporating their mindsims as a CPU of sorts for his mechanical creations. He thereby grants a final boon to the deceased - the opportunity to propagate their deaths. The iterative approach to death worship.
  • SqueakumsSqueakums Member Posts: 230 ✭✭✭
    So awesome and well thought out @Amondrask. I really like the image! It makes me think of a more Asian styled Reinhardt  
  • AmondraskAmondrask Member Posts: 37 ✭✭✭
    Thank you very much, @Squeakums, that's very kind of you to say. It's nice to see a few people enjoy the concept, very heartening. Looking forward to possibly interacting with you all in the game! 
  • ThaithThaith Member Posts: 22
    Deciding between a few currently. In order of preference:

    Shen Fury - Celestine Ascendancy: Comes from a well to-do family (real estate on resort planets), but has never really taken much comfort in knowing that cataclysmic, galaxy-changing events only happen every forty or fifty thousand years. Also never really warmed to the idea of one day taking charge of the family business. When it became obvious that we was going to squander the family's wealth investigating the Ishvana and preparing for imagined Cleax invasions, he was given enough money to buy a ship and then promptly disinherited. Outwardly polite and well-spoken (probably a result of his upbringing), but decidedly less reserved than your average Shen. Has a temper, but he keeps it on a low simmer.

    Amaian Scoundrel - Song Dominion: Former military, but went her own way once her enlistment was up. Like most Amaians, she tends to value the group more than the individual, but has a harder time with rigid social structures and doesn't do well in very strict disciplinary hierarchies. As a ship's captain, she still takes on the same kind of work she did in the military, and still works to advance Song's goals, but is much happier as a privateer than a rank-and-file soldier. Mild avaricious streak, but not really into accumulating wealth or status. More interested in the kind of freedom and social mobility that money can provide.

    Tukkav B.E.A.S.T. - Scatterhome: Avid trophy hunter, works largely for mining expeditions that require sites to be cleared of any "inconvenient" native species. Will accept most any job, but jumps at the opportunity to take down huge or dangerous predators. Might appear dumb or single-minded at times, but only because he has the kind of intellect that appreciates the true meaning of words like "ordnance" and "gratuitous."
    Stance Helper: An interactive way to learn the ins and outs of Fury stances
  • KaedokKaedok Member Posts: 25
    Decheeran fury. Round shields held by numerous tractor beams around the hull of his longship. He wields a stout kithblade in the shape of an axe in one hand and a a round wooden shield made from his own wood is his other hand. 

    Meet Leaf Erikson, son of Erik the Red(wood)
  • TiaseTiase Member Posts: 63 ✭✭
    a happy go lucky kid from some podunk town where everyone is related to everyone. It's way out in the boondocks and doesn't get very many visitors. Only military, transiting through. He left, looking for adventure and ended up in scatterhome. Fancies himself a scoundrel but is a softy at heart. All he wants is adventure and his needs are few and simple. Marks to keep himself and his ship fed and stocked. then good company every so often. He'll most likely grow to become a rather serious fellow, on the job. I don't know where he's going or what Tiase will be because I left it open ended. Everyone Tiase meets will have an influence on him.

  • TiaseTiase Member Posts: 63 ✭✭
    Tiase said:
    a happy go lucky kid from some podunk town where everyone is related to everyone. It's way out in the boondocks and doesn't get very many visitors. Only military, transiting through. He left, looking for adventure and ended up in scatterhome. Fancies himself a scoundrel but is a softy at heart. All he wants is adventure and his needs are few and simple. Marks to keep himself and his ship fed and stocked. then good company every so often. He'll most likely grow to become a rather serious fellow, on the job. I don't know where he's going or what Tiase will be because I left it open ended. Everyone Tiase meets will have an influence on him.

    This is Han Solo right there. Tiase is a gay furry Han Solo. 
  • IkchorIkchor Member Posts: 152 ✭✭✭
    So you're out looking for your Chewie?
    I forgot I was going to call myself Ike while in chargen, so now I'm Zarrach.
  • TiaseTiase Member Posts: 63 ✭✭
    edited March 2019
    I don't know. We have to see what Tiase says. He exists as a character Matrix in my head and often comes up with answers that surprise me. Say "hi!' to him IG @Ikchor , then see what happens. :chuffed: 

    on an ooc level, I'm rooting for him to find 'his chewie' 

    (I'm still debating whether to kill of his 'familie bac'hom' with krellian slavers. His creation was totally random. And only acquired a backstory after I interacted with someone. 

  • ZhulkarnZhulkarn Member Posts: 149 ✭✭✭
    You just have to find a brown Tukkav or rope someone to play one! 
  • MatlkaelMatlkael Member Posts: 347 ✭✭✭
    @Tiase unfortunately, I envision Mereas as more of a Caesar (from Planet of the Apes) than a Chewbacca :(
    Mereas Eyrlock
    "They're excited, but poor."
    - Ilyos (August 2019)
  • RocketCatRocketCat Member Posts: 199 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019

    Shen Zoidberg
    Hi, I'm Ata. Oh and maybe some other people, too. o:) Check out my various packages for Nexus: Vuu combat system, Global Pathfinder, Slicer Tools, Ship compass, JS from command line, Vitals Tracker, and Equipment Manager.
  • NykaraNykara Member Posts: 118 ✭✭✭
    Nykara started out as a someone burnt out on drugs and at the end of their sanity, drifting alone through the Void eternal, trying to find some speck of meaning to their life...or die on the way.

    But then for a brief minute a few people really reached out to them and got them to start making better of themselves, they slowed down on the drugs, blah blah.

    But still absolutely insane. Nothing is going to be able to fix the fundamental burn out that's ripped a permanent hole in their sanity. They hide it well on most days. But... Well anyway. 

    To brief it up? Purple space enby hungrily chases Final Death they can never achieve.
  • NykaraNykara Member Posts: 118 ✭✭✭
    (Also terrorism)
  • TiaseTiase Member Posts: 63 ✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Matlkael said:
    @Tiase unfortunately, I envision Mereas as more of a Caesar (from Planet of the Apes) than a Chewbacca :(
    ha! I think Mereas sounds like Emperor Palatine, than chewie. Maybe in the future, Han solo (tiase) will help Luke skywalker (actor unknown) take down Emperor Palatine
  • BuzidoBuzido Member Posts: 2
    Linger:  A Elgan anarcho-capitalist that resents all the forms of taxation of his native people, and embraces the free market. Despises what he calls the 'Death Tax' especially as it saw him cheated out of his family fortune.  Has a fondness tangy foods and expensive liquor.

    He passes his time when he's not working, writing trashy fiction in his study.

    Has a weakness for leggy Jin females.
  • RevelinRevelin Member Posts: 21 ✭✭
    What a fun thread! I rarely ever go into a new character with a large background idea. Instead, I just plan out some archetypes and evolve from there. With Revelin the idea was basically "thrill-seeking young Captain Picard" and went from there. As time went on and who Revelin becomes more clear to me I decided that he grew up on a freighter with his parents. He got his sense of adventure from his Father, who would often find shipments to haul that came with danger. Transporting refugees and colonists was commonplace and because of it, Revelin was exposed to the plight of many Starmourns. His Mother loved history, specifically Earth history, and because of that Revelin shares in that love.

    That's not mentioning the IG events that shaped Revelin, but that you'd have to ask him about!
  • SlanderSlander Member Posts: 176 ✭✭✭
    Just realized I never actually posted once the game opened and Slander came out. She's changed significantly from who she initially was but if she didn't react to events around her she'd be boring. She grew up in Oldtown, working from an early age and ended up addicted to a lot of drugs as a teenager. Ended up completely losing her shit, became a Nanoseer, a little bit more sober... And then shit happened and she got really bad on whisper dust again before kicking it a second time. Gang war events softened her somewhat and brought her odd ethical code into clear focus. Between that and some other shit that happened she's calmed down a lot, even if she's still not at all mentally stable. That's why she gave up being a 'seer, the strain on her mental health was too much. So now she's a Scoundrel and has dropped most (but not all) of her extreme sadomasochistic tendencies and bitchiness.
    I'm gone.
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