Couple of questions...

AsmothAsmoth Member Posts: 16
1. Will there be a beta, alpha, whatever you want to call pre-release testing by regular Joe players like myself?  If so how do we sign up to be on the ground floor?

2. I've only ever really dug into Lusternia, which I did decently at, till I left and came back, found my script suite was woefully lacking and I simply didn't know how things worked anymore.  So will scripting systems be more or less "required" as it is in the other games to actually PVP effectively.  Or has this game been designed to be more think on your feet than let my system deal with my afflictions and such?

3. Will it be possible to essentially paint yourself into a corner, as I did on my previous character, I was stupid and made enemies of damn near everyone and now can't really walk too many places without mobs beating the crap outta me in Lusternia.  One of the big things I've always felt was a slight pro and a HUGE con is the way that factions worked.  You have that one guy who is in charge of declaring enemies and non-enemies.  If he doesn't want to unenemy you, you're boned.  Also some people, whether designed and led from above, would put a huge in game currency requirement on these actions.  That made them almost not possible to overcome, at least in my experience.  So will this game be more fluid in that regard or more hell hath no fury like a city/faction scorned like Lusternia?

4. Is it role playing required, encouraged or non-roleplaying?  While I don't really roleplay extremely, I do get a little turned off by games where I'm killing some beast and some guy walks in and goes, "Damn Lebron moved to Florida." or whatever.

Thanks for the time, sorry if these are answered elsewhere, but I just don't have the forum search-fu skills to find them.


  • BandusBandus Member Posts: 59 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Greetings! I am not a developer so these answers are based on things I believe I know!

    1. Yes. It has been stated (not promised) that there will be a "beta" period in which the game will be opened for players before the actual launch. It will be a soft opening and players will not be reset once the beta is complete. As far as I know, the date of the beta will be announced in advance and all will be able to connect and play the game during that time.

    2. It has been stated that while scripting will be a thing, the combat system has been designed different from previous IRE games in that playing by hand should still be viable.

    3. Unknown. I do not believe detail has been released about how those systems will work.

    4. Role playing is encouraged. It is my understanding that this means that people aren't mandated to role play, however, they are also not allowed to be out of character in public either. So scenarios like you described should not happen within the rules of the game.
  • an_xxx_parodyan_xxx_parody Member Posts: 2
    5. LeBron went to California to play for the LA Lakers, not to Florida.
  • ZervaZerva Member Posts: 23
    We will all remember the day when Ser Lebron the Leaper moved on to the sacred and forbidden realm of Flor-ida in his ascendance. May his legend live on forever.
  • bairlochbairloch Member Posts: 373 ✭✭✭
    Psshh. Be real. He ran to hide his crimes. Lebron the Leper had to go before he was stoned by the mob.
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Bandus was pretty spot-on with most of the answers!

    For #3, the ability to enemy/unenemy is an investable power in the faction system, so you might be able to shop around and plead to different people, should you not get along with the head honcho.
  • MalashMalash Member Posts: 259 ✭✭✭
    Tecton said:
    Bandus was pretty spot-on with most of the answers!

    For #3, the ability to enemy/unenemy is an investable power in the faction system, so you might be able to shop around and plead to different people, should you not get along with the head honcho.
    Bribery ahoy!
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