For representation of people with right political views that believe that genders do not exist, I would like to ask for an option not to see whatever non-binaries
IRE games have an ignore command that can be used to create a safe space from those whose existence offends you.
It is not about their existence it is about gender pronouns
Regardless of personal opinions, it's disrespectful to ignore someone's pronouns if they have made clear how they would prefer to be addressed. If you consider yourself male you would not like it if, after making this clear, I insisted on referring to you as a woman and called you she/her. It's simply rude.
If you are unable to respect another person's wishes, it is in your best interests to avoid them, so they do not upset you, and in their best interests that you avoid them, so they need not be unduly exposed to your disrespect. For this reason the ignore/snub command is a very elegant means with which to handle situations where you feel that you're unable to communicate or be exposed to others' communications without being disrespectful. It will protect you from having to acknowledge them.
So, how is it different from NOT respecting other people wishes not to deal with non-binary pronouns? Also again, you do not get a point. It is about game logs, Not about actual conversation, ok?
"They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty." — Oscar Wilde
"I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before." — Margaret Atwood
You are incurable indeed.
I am saying for the last time. There are people who believe that non-binaries are as insane as those considering themself Caesar or Napoleon, there are people who believe that non-binaries are fine as long as they don't disturb others, there are people who are offended by mere fact of their existence. There also peopl that believe non-binaries are as good as binaries, or that they deserve respect or that they are master gender over binaries. If all this sides keep calling each other views as bullshit, asshole, retarded and so on, this is not a proper conversation. My suggestion is to keep all of this views equally respected. Also there are many countries in the world where non-binaries are directly outlawed. Does that mean one should break laws?
My suggestion is to keep all of this views equally respected.
Your suggestion is dumb so I'm throwing it away. What about views that black people, women, or people of particular religion don't deserve respect? Should we respect those views as well?
Also my own personal view is that Starmourn forum posters named Khargal are either sad trolls or thin skinned tittybabies who dig up a 7 month old thread just to find something to be offended at, and then throw tantrums when people don't agree with them. Want your views respected? Then respect mine first. It's less offensive, and also more true to reality.
I was not digging it up. It was dug up by Kestrel in Starmourn discord. I was too busy to notice this thread. Yep, I respect all views. Even yours. You can think whatever you want
Anyway, constructively, I think that ignore/snub is probably your best solution, @Khargal, and will make the largest number of people happy. It's an elegant solution that will respect everyone's preferences in that it allows you to limit exposure to toxicity or anything that disagrees with your views. So if you don't believe non-binary people exist in an ultra-high-tech/borederline-fantasy future with spaceships and genetic engineering and plastic surgery and tree-people and diverse intergalactic alien cultures and stuff, you can just add them to your ignore list and not have to confront that reality any more.
For reference, ignore is also a feature on the forums which could also come in handy. If you click to a person's profile, in the top right corner there's an icon that looks like the silhouette of a person's head and shoulders. Click it for a dropdown menu which will also allow you to handily dispose of any verbal excrement you would otherwise have to encounter in future.
Anyway this is all getting a bit tense and this thread started out so positive! Here's some music to lighten the mood:
EDIT: You can also delete any comments posted to your wall by hovering over the comment and clicking the 'x' in the top right corner.
"They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty." — Oscar Wilde
"I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before." — Margaret Atwood
This thread inspired me to create a non-binary character. I hope that once Starmourn actually opens, they will become hugely successful and star in many, many logs posted on the game forums - pvp or otherwise.
The great thing about being the developer is that we and only we get to decide what exists in our world. We have more than two genders. Cultures have had more than two genders for thousands of years, both in Starmourn and in the real world.
This is indisputable fact in both cases. Feel free, of course, to bury your head in some ideological sand to avoid reality, but it changes nothing.
Also again, you do not get a point. It is about game logs, Not about actual conversation, ok?
"They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
— Oscar Wilde
"I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
— Margaret Atwood
But the more positive take away for me is that there's more overt support for gender neutral pronouns than this one detractor.
For reference, ignore is also a feature on the forums which could also come in handy. If you click to a person's profile, in the top right corner there's an icon that looks like the silhouette of a person's head and shoulders. Click it for a dropdown menu which will also allow you to handily dispose of any verbal excrement you would otherwise have to encounter in future.
Anyway this is all getting a bit tense and this thread started out so positive! Here's some music to lighten the mood:
EDIT: You can also delete any comments posted to your wall by hovering over the comment and clicking the 'x' in the top right corner.
"They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
— Oscar Wilde
"I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
— Margaret Atwood
This is indisputable fact in both cases. Feel free, of course, to bury your head in some ideological sand to avoid reality, but it changes nothing.
Here's a great article on 10 examples of non-binary genders in various cultures across the world.