
Starcharts Extended for Nexus

HorenHoren Member Posts: 6
Hey, there, it's me, Horen. I made a thing. I'm putting it in a new discussion because I plan on pushing out many updates for it, especially when the whole space trucking thing comes around. Anyway, what it does currently is it puts pirate refineries and explorable asteroids on the map. Yeah, it's pretty bare bones right now, but oh well. Just use CHART HELP to see the syntax for it. It does require another script, which can be found here(The script is called Display Notice Patch and all it does is handles multiple colors per line while letting it show up in logs). There's also a bug where it can bug out if you call CHART before GMCP has gotten your sector, so make sure the first time you call CHART is in your ship and you've moved(either in your ship or on the ground) since loading the script. Anyway, here's the script: Starcharts Extended


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    HorenHoren Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2022

    Starcharts Extended update

      - bug fix(Now you no longer need to do anything before doing CHART after the script loads, it will show the chart no problem, but it won't show your location until you receive room info GMCP while on your ship)

      - the key that shows your location under every chart has been changed to be more intuitive, and also doesn't show up if the script doesn't know your location

    ----< Important Notes >----

    None, really. This was just a bug fix update and there probably won't be another update for a bit and when there is, it won't just be a bug fix.


    Starcharts Extended v0.1.2

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