
Announcements post #349: Personal Market Orders Return.

AutoposterAutoposter Member, Bot Posts: 293 ✭✭✭
From: Neritus
Subject: Personal Market Orders Return.

Hi all,

Personal Market Orders (hereafter PMOs) are back earlier than any of us expected, but they look a bit different than before:

1) PMOs now ask those with the Mining spec for unrefined commodities instead of refined ones.
2) PMOs now prefer commodities which are used less than others based on a 30-day rolling average, where the extra sink is not particularly harmful.
3) PMOs are now zone-range market orders. Deliver them anywhere in the specified zone.
4) PMOs now provide a light introduction to economy bonuses. PMOs will tend to order commodities where those commodities are used as an input to a recipe that receives a bonus. The higher the bonus, the higher the likelihood. As a consequence, PMOs on your home station are less common, but we want to get budding industrialists used to the idea of transporting to remote locations for bonuses. Also there are some planned synergies here with space trucking...
5) Your PMOs are now completely reset Monday 0:00 server time, rather than daily. Since there is no longer such a thing as "market takes" to prevent PMOs from rolling over at Sync, a longer timeframe for the reset was required. New orders will still get topped up daily, though.
6) The rewards for PMOs have been balanced across specializations. Mining spec PMOs can expect to make just as many marks as Autofactory spec PMOs.
7) The Market Analysis CAC task now only needs 1 sell to occur for completion.

There are some ongoing issues with filling market orders from cargo in your ship. When I get them sorted out, I'll let you know. Until then, you can expect to have to store the commodities somewhere first before selling to the market.

Behind the scenes, we've improved our ability to monitor the health of the economy, and will make tweaks to the volumes and commodities requested by PMOs if necessary.

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