
Announcements post #348: Material scanners.

AutoposterAutoposter Member, Bot Posts: 293 ✭✭✭
From: Neritus
Subject: Material scanners.

Hello again everyone,

Part 2 of "small updates that go a long way for budding industrialists." Too young for a hyperscanner? Introducing: the Material Scanner, a small module that can be fit onto your ship to help you hunt down materials. SHIP MATERIALSCAN <GAS|ASTEROID> will place the module on a short 20 second cooldown and reveal the direction of the closest mineable asteroid or harvestable gas cloud. No picking out what you're looking for like the hyperscanner, but still darn useful.

You can have multiple modules on separate cooldowns if you so wish, and can alternatively use SHIP MODULE TRIGGER <module#> <GAS|ASTEROID> if you'd prefer.

If you're looking to fit one of these onto your shiny new Prospector, you'll have to sack either your compressor or crusher. Such is life!

Also just a big thanks from me for all your bug reports and well wishes on the new economy system. Most of the egregious bugs should be behind us now, but I'm sure we'll still have some here and there, so keep an eye out!

Taking a break now,
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