
Announcements post #346: Soren through space!

AutoposterAutoposter Member, Bot Posts: 293 ✭✭✭
From: Fiendish Damiel, Pew Pew Pew
Subject: Soren through space!

Hello everyone, we have some big news for you today to do with staffing here at Starmourn HQ.

As a lot of you will be aware, Soren has worked their butt off on this game since the very first round of Storytellers were recruited in early 2019. Their dedication and diligence when it comes to lore development and player engagement is immense, and the impact they have had on the world is significant, both as a player and as a storyteller. It was actually Soren who got me into this game as a player to begin with!

SO... it gives me great pleasure to let you all know that Soren is, as of now, an official member of staff for Starmourn, with the job title: Head Worldbuilder. The role is going to be similar to what Eukelade's was before she was made Lead Producer - so they will be overseeing the Storytellers and Worldbuilders, working on RP events and building. I will be continuing as I have been, but having a proper official support role will hopefully give me a lot more headspace to do stuff n things.

I hope you'll all agree that after 3 years of pouring their heart and soul into the world, Soren is hugely deserving of this step up - I'M SO PROUD.

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