Announcements post #341: Midwinter Frivolity... (promo refresh)

AutoposterAutoposter Member, Bot Posts: 293 ✭✭✭
From: Fiendish Damiel, Pew Pew Pew
Subject: Midwinter Frivolity... (promo refresh)

Hello my little nidra petals,

It's time for a promo refresh! Woo!

Having overheard a few of you talking about missioncontrol, I figured it might be nice to add a bumper crop of promo items new and old to the missioncontrol prizes, as well as stocking batteries on the website, huzzah!

The Worldbreaker's Wheel will also still remain active, with tokens purchaseable by themselves or a free one with every 25 credits bought until the end of January.

BUT OF COURSE we have a few new things to keep you going, which have been added to both methods of getting them...

NEW ARTI - Battlecry Buff (battlecry_buff)
Get yo barbarian roar on! Or scream like a toddler, it's up to you. But this new artifact is activated using your BATTLECRY! It gives a 25% increase in damage given to mobs for you and any crew members in your room at the time for the next 30 seconds. Causes all mobs in the room to lose balance and concentration for 3 seconds at the start. 5min cooldown. PvE only!

NEW ARTI - Custom Cryolink (custom_cryo)
Ever wanted to disappear in a puff of smoke? Storm off in a huff? Fly away on your Bushraki wings? This artifact allows you to CRYO SET [LOGINMSG|LOGOFFMSG] in order to set a custom message that shows to your room when you log in and out! (Has to start with your name).

NEW ITEM - a RoamTek Warpbag 2.0 haversack
This stylish polyleather bag is the latest technological marvel from RoamTek, the newest incarnation of their famous 'Warpbag'. Made from sturdy black paneling and with an auto-sealing lid that prevents any unauthorized access, the warpbag is fitted with a miniature wormhole generator, hidden within the bag proper. A small control panel on the face of the bag allows for quick linkage between the wormhole and a specified container of the owner's choosing, the process as easy as PUSHing a few buttons. Basically a warpbag but you can attach it to a container rather than a room.

NEW ITEM - a cyborg botanist's crate
These lightweight aluminum crates have been brought to us by the Dikamazi Cyborg Botanists and are packed with all a home or ship cyborg botanist needs to get started, including a circuit-laden formglass planter and a packet of seeds to start your own cybernetic garden. Includes SIX BRAND NEW TYPES OF PLANT: rambling rosala, isochronia, abio ovum 'cupcake', shroudvine, carpetmoss and the tumbler tree, all of which have some surprising cybernetic enhancements in true Bushraki style!

Also added a load of other promo arties as requested by you lovely lot. See what they are by visiting your nearest mission control tower today!

Go forth, buy goodies, have fun!

Ilu all <3

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