Announcements post #340: Player Designed Area Winner Selected!

AutoposterAutoposter Member, Bot Posts: 293 ✭✭✭
From: Argus, the Tiniest Feracht
Subject: Player Designed Area Winner Selected!

[Argus enters the screen, adjusts his bowtie, and releases a very loud 'meow' of appreciation.]

Starmourn friends, you all are wonderful. Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry to this contest of mine. I am feeling inspired and if I had enough time to dedicate to this endeavor I would make every single one of these areas.

However, I am but one tiny feracht and these paws can only create so much at a time. With that in mind...

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Nyx for their submission: The Twice-Departed !!
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I will be starting work on this area in conjunction with Nyx in the next few days and I am SO excited to unveil it for all of our wonderful players to explore.

With almost ten entries in the contest, you know this choice was hard for us and I wasn't the only one feeling inspired. Some of the other Storytellers have agreed to join in, so we will also be working on several of the other ideas submitted for the contest once The Twice-Departed is complete!

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Special Mentions:
Afesotinuilar for "The Hrashki Caldera Lodge"
Shulamit for "Quaking Decheerans"
Sabika for "The Gauntlet"

We will be reaching out to each of you in the future regarding making your submissions permanent features in Starmourn lore as well. Depending on time and resources, we may reach out to our other participants as well and / or we might run this contest again for another round of fresh submissions. Basically just keep thinking!
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Thank you as well to Zarrach, Desmond, Lilias, Morgan, and Poet for your submissions. It was an honor and a pleasure to have the chance to read through all of these wonderful ideas.

As a reminder, contests like this are not the only way you can make your mark on the game. Every player is welcome to create their own roleplaying opportunities whether it's a small moment between you and a friend, a contest you host with the sector, or a full on RP event with the assistance of the Storytelling team. We love seeing what y'all can come up with and your player RP is the main way of getting people involved in this incredible world we are all building together.

There are so many awesome things to come in 2022. Stay tuned, spacers. And get excited for... THE TWICE-DEPARTED!

Argus, the tiniest feracht

[With a dismissive 'mew', Argus turns from the camera to groom his tail. The transmission ends.]
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