First of all, please forgive the quasi-related rant but I just wanted to say that, as a newcomer, I've been poking around the forums and this community is awesome. Everyone is super respectful to one another, and the devs seem incredibly invested in the player base. Maybe I'm just new to MUDs, but I find it refreshing how close-knit the community is and I'm really excited for this awesome game to drop so I can play with everyone!
Now on to the poll: I was thinking about started a thread in the forums that would act like a hub for forum-based, IC role playing as a precursor to the game and just wanted to get a feel for how many people would be interested in something like that (provided it's even allowed in the forums).
The way I imagine it would be like this: there's a small unremarkable bar in a small unremarkable spaceport where characters could come in and have a drink, interact with one another, or just shadily eyeball everyone from a dark corner in the room. If a few characters' conversation leads to an adventure outside the bar, they could start a new RP thread and take the adventure wherever they please.
Select your answer below!

Forum-based RP hub? 12 votes
YES! Pregame RP-ing in the forums would be the beez-kneez.
NO! Not interested, fool.
1 vote
NO! I'm a mod and this isn't allowed on the forums, fool.
I don't care, but I'm still going to call you a fool, fool.
Also, a bit of a shameless plug...on the Unofficial Starmourn Discord ( we have a chat room specifically for role playing/discussing character concepts, etc. If one were looking for it, it is called #starmournrp
With that said though, the forums are still be a good medium to have RP as well (maybe even some fan fiction type stories?) especially for people who opt not to use Discord.
if there's no kittens in space
I'm going on a rampage
TectonToday at 2:17 PM
They're called w'hoorn, Groot
sets out a saucer of milk
Thanks again to @Aurelius for setting us up!