From: Heroically Concise Damiel, Pew Pew Pew
Subject: New big prizes.
There will be a refresh of the promo this month, but not until the weekend.
BUT given the rate at which you amazing astronauts have been blasting through the grids I have just been and updated the BIG PRIZES.
We will now have the further bonus prizes at certain intervals throughout mission control:
700 - A Weapon Upgrade Token
800 - A Token of Friendship
900 - A Weapon Upgrade Token
1000 - A KineDyn Holdings: Tactical Support Software v3.0 - weapon_dmg_3 artifact
1100 - A Weapon Upgrade Token
1200 - A Token of Friendship
1300 - A Weapon Upgrade Token
1400 - A Token of Friendship
1500 - A KineDyn Holdings: Tactical Support Software v3.0 - weapon_dmg_3 artifact