Announcements post #250: Kithed for the very first time.

AutoposterAutoposter Member, Bot Posts: 293 ✭✭✭
From: Neritus
Subject: Kithed for the very first time.

Hello Sector!

Today we have another batch of class changes! Fury was indeed up next, but the majority of the work for Fury is a part of a larger discussion on damage and damage scaling mechanics. That said, we are skipping Fury for now, including some love for Fulmination, and will return to Fury when Scoundrel is finished. So today it's all about Nanoseer! We have, however, made one critical change to Fury:

- The affliction scaling on Legspike and Swiftcut has been toned down a bit. Essentially, the damage of Legspike/Swiftcut+Slice no longer outclasses, by leaps and bounds, every other ability in the game.

Damage is a difficult thing to get right. We believe that the PvP experience can be vastly improved by toning down how damage is calculated when modified by subsystem damage or afflictions on the target. But we also don't want to hinder PvE rewards in the process. Additionally, we also want the pace of PvE to be balanced between the classes. Thus, we will be working on collecting better metrics server-side so that when and if we do make larger changes to damage output as a whole, we can scale PvE rewards appropriately. This will also let us approach the pass on Fury from a more informed place. When the metrics are implemented, you'll hear about it :)

That all said, on to Nanoseer!

We felt that Nanoseer did not need a whole lot of work. It is a fully-realized class with three achievable instakills. That said, there's always room for improvement, and one area that Nanoseer has struggled with is its ability to maintain the number of affliction stacks on the opponent needed for Minddrain and Mindmelt, especially in the heat of combat with all its hindrances. We also felt that Nanotech damage deserved some love.

- NANO ENVELOP: Envelop now fades after 10 minutes, after arena events, or after 10 minutes. When the Nanoseer and the target are in the same room, Envelop additionally reports when the target's wetwiring heals an affliction, and the subsystem of that affliction. This does not apply to any other means of afflictions healing such as afflictions completing their duration or active abilities.

- VOID RATTLE: The Rattled state from Voidism Rattle has changed. It no longer influences healing power. Instead, the next two afflictions that would be cured by wetwiring do not cure, but rather deal their subsystem damage instead. Wears off after triggering twice or 20 seconds. This has a per-target cooldown of 40s. Envelop additionally reports when Rattle's effect occurs so long as the caster and target are in the same room, including the specific affliction the target failed to heal.

- NANO ECHOING: Now a non-curable affliction and its damage is up from a quarter of the echoed damage to a half of it.

- Nanotech damage previously scaled to the presence of Frozen. It now scales to Mind subsystem damage on the target. This applies to Swarm, Multistrike, Multiswarm, and Zap. We will be watching this closely, it might be too strong with Nano Affinity.

- Extend should now work on items in your inventory and it adds more duration now.

- OBLIVION MARK REMEMBER should now work correctly.

Hugs and kithes,
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