Announcements post #216: Regular RP events.

AutoposterAutoposter Member, Bot Posts: 293 ✭✭✭
From: Storyteller Damiel, Pew Pew Pew
Subject: Regular RP events.

Hello again,

I thought the event, and this piece of news, deserved their own announcements...

The Voidseeker event also marks the start of a new regular schedule of storyteller-led roleplaying events.

There will be one every month from here on out, in the third week of each month, and will very vaguely roll through the factions - purely based on location, rather than participation. This is literally only to make it fair on the storytelling team.

This month is Song, as it's in Hororeon, but as I was approached to lead, I am going to be doing this with the help of Soren and Eukelade. We're all excited!

So far we have the following pencilled in:

June - Scatterhome
July - CA
August - Song
September - Scatterhome
October - CA

... and we will aim to follow this routine for the forseeable future.

We are happy to come up with our own events and to fully lead them, HOWEVER, player requests are our bread and butter - so if you have an idea or request for an event that you would like storyteller assistance with, contact your faction's storyteller! (HELP STORYTELLERS)

It is a flexible thing, and times/dates and everything, pretty much, can be adapted to suit.

We do not need (or want) them to be too grand or complicated (though if it's appropriate they can be!). Nor should they always involve new items or places.

If you want an event, you will need to put RP effort in in-character. They should be run by your characters as far as is possible, we are here for those things that go beyond what a player can do. So we can animate/create NPCs, make world-enhancing places and objects, etc etc. But if it's a thing you can do in-character, you should do so in-character. The best events we have had have been mainly developed by players, with us just giving approval and adding the aboves and the beyonds.

We will judge whether things are necessary or appropriate. But we welcome ideas from players wishing to deepen their own lore/homeworld - so long as it has a lasting and universal benefit to the world/other players.

(Basically what I'm saying is - you can't be like "Because of my backstory I need [Genny to come and live on my ship/my org to suddenly be the one that founded Scatterhome/to change historical lore/a thing that only benefits my character].)

Appropriate ideas (but please, be creative!) might be:
- A concert where you'd like an NPC band to play.
- A conflict with an NPC org or group.
- An invasion by some animal or other.
- A public celebration or something.
- Anything that can be open to other players, big or small. It might just be that Breena keeps getting bread stolen and wants people to help find the shoplifters and question them etc.

Examples of past player requested events:
- A photoshoot with Jins and Juice magazine to foreshadow a new junk item submitted by the player.
- A photoshoot contest in New Dikamazi.
- Song on the Verge/Winterfest/Scatterfest - music festivals.
- Ironbound interactions at the Fetek factory, involving conflict.
- Scientific experiments aboard the Event Horizon.
- Lots more... see the events section of NEWS for more info!

Obviously we can and will also come up with our own ideas for events, as necessary, but we very much want you the players to be able to ask for the stuff you feel would drive the storytelling too! We are here to make the game fun for you!

Happy Arepee Erryone!

Damiel and the Storytelling team <3
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