All I Want For Winterflame Is...............

SenzeiSenzei Member, Volunteer Coder Posts: 6 Volunteer Coder
So, I want to focus on trying to rolling out some new requests, fixes, and ideas as a sort of present to the player base (and our storytellers, who also get to give requests).

You can request any existing bug as a priority (which you can also do in game with BUG <number> PRIORITY.  

You can request any idea that you already submitted, which can also be marked (currently) with BUG <number> PRIORITY.

You can also propose something entirely new. That needs be written out here. 

Bear in mind that, purely because I am just a lone me, I cannot get to every bug. So the easier things are more likely to be tackled than big projects, but that does not mean I will shy away from something I really like.  

So here are the rules:
* You can only ask for one thing. Do not use alts to make additional requests.
* You acknowledge not every change will be done, you do not need say this or post this, just keep it in mind!
* Combat changes have a longer process, so may not be gotten to right away.
* Anything requiring approval should be considered a priority, so any sign offs are done before people leave for the holidays.

Also know that I will still work on these after December, but I want to try to give people a little love for the season.



  • ReginaldReginald Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2020
    7 chars.
  • EikalaEikala Member Posts: 2
    Marking it in-game as a priority, but I'll post it here for extra measure: can something be added to NEWBIECHALLENGE to show you how much time is left until your challenge is over or something similar? It's difficult to figure out exactly when you joined, and it'd be nice to know when the actual "rollover" is so that I don't find myself at 74.9, thinking I have 12 hours left...
  • FlipilariaFlipilaria Member Posts: 128 ✭✭✭
    Brick and mortar shops, or a trade terminal system that doesn't feel annoying to use.
  • bugbobugbo Member Posts: 63
    For Winterflame I would suggest making the imps non aggressive, or at the very least give the player a warning in red letters and large font when they are spawned in the area. Making them non agro though would allow players to scan them.
  • SenzeiSenzei Member, Volunteer Coder Posts: 6 Volunteer Coder
    Brick and mortar shops, or a trade terminal system that doesn't feel annoying to use.
    What makes the current terminal system feel annoying to use?
  • ReginaldReginald Member Posts: 3
    Senzei said:
    Brick and mortar shops, or a trade terminal system that doesn't feel annoying to use.
    What makes the current terminal system feel annoying to use?
    I, for one, had no idea the “tt” command existed. Does the game tell new players that at any point?
  • SteveSteve Member Posts: 136 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2020

    There are a few features in the game that just don't do much, and I'd like for them to do more, better. For instance, poker exists but has some kind of bug preventing people from using it. But here's my request:

    Vehicles! We have a bunch of vehicles, but their functionality is limited because they can't be used in combat, they can only be used outdoors, and our outdoor areas are small and broken up by ptps etc. A change might look like allowing us to toggle whether we're in the vehicles or not, so that we can ride them when outdoors, and not ride them when we're indoors or in combat. They'd need to follow us between mounting and dismounting. But, I'm happy to be surprised in any way!

    edit to clarify: What I'm getting at is a seamless experience in which we don't have to use VEHICLE RETRIEVE, VEHICLE RIDE, and VEHICLE LEAVE all the time.
  • OrrinOrrin Member Posts: 39 ✭✭
    To add to Steve's vehicle suggestion - I was just thinking about vehicles yesterday.

    Highest priority - I'd really like them to either act as cover to whoever is in them or to make mobs not aggro them. (If I'm in a hovercar, how is a haerbist mauling me?)

    I think it's fine if they only work outside - in fact, it's a good balance for the benefits - but they need to HAVE benefits outside that make them worth the faff. At present I'm not sure they do anything apart from look cool. I think everyone I know who has them just has them parked up outside their favorite places to show they frequent/live there, or has them stacked in a cargo bay getting dirty.

    Secondary thing - The inside/outside thing doesn't make sense for all vehicles. Sure, driving a rover in a bar or a tunnel might not work - but some of them are hoverboards and bikes, which would surely work in stations at least?

    Orrin x
  • OrrinOrrin Member Posts: 39 ✭✭
    edited December 2020
    Orrin said:
    To add to Steve's vehicle suggestion - I was just thinking about vehicles yesterday.

    Highest priority - I'd really like them to either act as cover to whoever is in them or to make mobs not aggro them. (If I'm in a hovercar, how is a haerbist mauling me?)

    I think it's fine if they only work outside - in fact, it's a good balance for the benefits - but they need to HAVE benefits outside that make them worth the faff. At present I'm not sure they do anything apart from look cool. I think everyone I know who has them just has them parked up outside their favorite places to show they frequent/live there, or has them stacked in a cargo bay getting dirty.

    Secondary thing - The inside/outside thing doesn't make sense for all vehicles. Sure, driving a rover in a bar or a tunnel might not work - but some of them are hoverboards and bikes, which would surely work in stations at least?

    Orrin x
    ALSO - fairly high priority on this. 

    If someone follows you while you're in a larger capacity vehicle there should be an emote to show them hopping in the passenger seat, and maybe only allies or crew members can follow when you're in one, and they get the same perks as the driver re: cover/aggro mobs? If not then the same walking speed rules apply as usual.
  • DaloaDaloa Member Posts: 1
    Some new updates to the newbie quest / experience. (Since our goal is to attract and retain players), I rolled about 5-6 characters to try out several things before I landed on Daloa, so feel I have a good view of the newbie questline currently. (I am viewing this group as one request, but feel free to ignore if breaks the rules) Namely:

    • Lessons from Battlemasters. Having played other IRE muds, I knew how the learning system worked, so I just dove right into learning, and the game did not ensure I was able to learn my class heal, so that was rough going for a bit. Yes, mostly my fault, but I expect other newbies may make the same mistake and just log off. I think this could be a guided experience until you learn the recommended skills.

    • Tone down the "strong" version of enemies in the newbie area (explicitly just the level to 5 area, or include some mechanic that tells you how to CONSIDER. I thought you needed the skill, no idea you could just LOOK at it), as there seems to be a smaller version and a tougher version in every area thematically so far, correct if wrong. Even just some dude that tells you about it when you enter for the first time (or see the hint info below). De-leveling from 5 to 4 is not fun. I'm all for teaching someone how to play, but this is kind of rough. Alternatively, protect you from EXP loss until level 10.

    • Have some entry trigger/hints for important things that you can turn off (CONFIG NEWBIEHINTS). "Did you know this is a trade terminal and you can use it by issuing the 'tt' command?", "This is a JUNK shop, where you can SCRAP your old armor if you no longer need it and recover some marks!", "There is a terminal here, perhaps someone with some computer knowledge could do something with it!" -- I understand you don't want to explain absolutely everything, but I legitimately thought until last night just nothing was listed on MARKET for weapons, and was not aware it was only for ships.

    • Tell newbies ingame that the newbie challenge exists! I Thought I missed it as I didn't see a prompt about it (and well may have just not seen it) -- but only remembered the newbiechallenge command by chance to see if it was still going.

    Overall, nothing is really "broken" about it, but I think it could use some polish to attract and retain more new people.

  • SozaSoza Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    Scoundrel Tripwires not get tripped by players in your crew, Its mildly infuriating that being a good prepared scoundrel has a chance of backfiring on your own teammates.
  • SqueakumsSqueakums Member Posts: 230 ✭✭✭
    An ability (possibly low lesson cost in Skirmishing) that can be used off-balance and allows us to check the target's health status. 

    We can already do this with LOOK <target>, but it's spammy. On Nexus, it's unreliable to get the triggers for gagging all non-HP lines working right.

    If I could just ASSESS HOPE and it gave me a single line with Hope HP: Healthy or Hope HP: Critically wounded like LOOK already does, it'd be great. It would also make this part of combat much more accessible to people with screenreaders.
  • JaidynJaidyn Member Posts: 26 ✭✭
    ALL I want for Winterflame is:

    Guile Rouse/Incite to lose their fail chance. ((And Guile Rouse get an ally tag and I'll classlead later that it hit self for 5%))
  • NykaraNykara Member Posts: 118 ✭✭✭
    What I want for Winterflame is simple: a working Char.Vitals cooldowns message. At present, cooldowns comes in as a string that is machine readable, but requires text processing to get any value of. It should come as an object:
    {'ab_Bots_spike': 38000, 'quest340': 200750, 'reward_spar':735684}
    for example
  • ZoeZoe Member Posts: 19
    Expanded prompt functionality - target health % in the prompt would be the main thing I want. Nexus has target health in the UI and it's available via gmcp, but I don't want to make a custom clientside prompt when I could just have it as a token like other IRE games do.
  • FlipilariaFlipilaria Member Posts: 128 ✭✭✭
    Senzei said:
    Brick and mortar shops, or a trade terminal system that doesn't feel annoying to use.
    What makes the current terminal system feel annoying to use?
    It's clunky and overwhelming, especially compared to a brick and mortar shop. The initial 'entry' to the terminal, TT BROWSE, presents a massive amount of information from the start. From there, if you want to browse a specific shop's wares, you'll have to remember the shop name and continually TT BROWSE <front>. To look at an item, it's a different command, TT INSPECT <item> from <front>, and if it's a custom design, it won't accept just the ID, it needs to be told DESIGN <number>. A third command, TT BUY <item> FROM <front>, finally lets you buy the thing.

    All of this can be considered relatively simple until you compare it to the brick-and-mortar experience, which uses WARES, PROBE, and BUY, commands that are either prominently displayed, used often throughout the game, or are intuitive. I also believe the shopping system is covered in the tutorial, and it is most definitely found through all IRE games (and is similar to other MUDS)

    I think the Trade Terminal system would be better served by a 'jacked in' system like hacking has. One in which you can virtually wander from storefront to storefront, ordering your purchases as needed, while your body remains in the terminal room itself. I also think Trade Terminal rooms need an in-room reminder of their usage similar to what brick-and-mortar shops have with the Merchant facilities indicate there are WARES for sale here. I do like the TT SEARCH function that lets you browse all shops at once, but with an overwhelming amount of shops (and few essential items like curables, etc), TT SEARCH quickly becomes flooded with armor and weapon pieces that become tedious to sift through.

    In short, while the system is obviously more powerful than brick-and-mortar shops, it isn't user-friendly or intuitive, and it could do with an interface overhaul.
  • IndiIndi Member Posts: 213 ✭✭✭
    All I want is easy... delete crits.

    But if that isn't on the cards, more TT SEARCH filtering options.

    TT SEARCH WEAPONMOD <dam_type> <category> <level>

    Where damage type means, impact or thermal etc
    Category means, advanced, simple etc

    level means the level range, but rather than typing in the level range itself, use the level of the weapon it is intended for and only return results that are suitable for that weapon level.

    TT SEARCH WEAPONMOD impact simple 75
    would return a list of simple mods suitable for a L75 weapon, in the simple category.

    Similar for armour mods would obviously also be nice, but I only get the one request so...
  • FlipilariaFlipilaria Member Posts: 128 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2020
    This one is from @Afesotinuilar who, for some reason, cannot post here.

    <3 Thank you, Senzei Claus! I feel bad for not getting you anything!
    I would love to be able to reference/lookup specific items in your inventory or in the room with a little more flexibility!
    For example;
    If I have 5 cakes to hand out, I want to be able to be able to '3.cake' to hand out the third 'cake' item in my inventory.
    If I'm holding a bunch of cookies and get handed an extra one, I want to be able to give 'last.cookie' back to its rightful owner.
    If I'm surrounded by 3 different colours of algerions, and only want to kill the saffron-coloured one, I want to be able to attack '2.algerion' specifically.
    If I'm carrying all my candy, and I see a piece of candy on the floor, I want to be able to 'p candy here' to examine the item in the room rather than my inventory.

  • MarcellaMarcella Member Posts: 4
    In short, while the system is obviously more powerful than brick-and-mortar shops, it isn't user-friendly or intuitive, and it could do with an interface overhaul.

    I'd agree some of that could be more intuitive. Further ... allowing brick-and-mortar (for Credits? Marks? Each Faction gets so many to assign at a time? ) would flesh out some emptier/unfinished parts of the grid. If we are indeed looking towards allowing/encouraging things being more friendly to RP/Crafting inclined folks that's one of the "feel goods" that's missing.
  • KhalKhal Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2020
    I would really love to be able to link and unlink weapon damage artifacts at will as a BEAST. Currently I have to MWP REMOVE <weapon> unlink, then link, and MWP MOUNT <weapon> and then either hotswap if its not on cooldown or MWP SWITCH <weapon>. Its a bit time consuming. THANK YOU!!
  • VegaVega Member Posts: 75 ✭✭✭
    Factions being able to put out Bounties, please. <3
    Character: Vega
    Faction: Song Dominion
    Class: Engineer 

    note: I am always up for RP, antagonistic or friendly. If she's being a bitch, it's because you're from Scatterhome or she's trying to meet a deadline and has nothing to do with whether I want to RP with you or not. Thanks in advance for the RP!

  • OrrinOrrin Member Posts: 39 ✭✭
    Zoe said:
    Expanded prompt functionality - target health % in the prompt would be the main thing I want. Nexus has target health in the UI and it's available via gmcp, but I don't want to make a custom clientside prompt when I could just have it as a token like other IRE games do.
    Also wants

  • DeltrionDeltrion Member Posts: 27
    All I want for Winterflame is....

    Better inventory management!

    I don't know about other people, but I cant stand knowing my character is arm-loading 400+ things, and I know there's people with way more than that. I have never played a game where I couldn't keep it tidy. But for some reason, there's just so much STUFF in Starmourn and I have a hard time jiving with the mental image of my overburdened character.

    Luckily there are a ton of container items in Starmourn. Unfortunately, they all need to have their capacity at least tripled across the board, even that promo item thing with 250 spaces. Yes, I COULD find get enough containers to hold everything, but now I have the problem of having 50 containers. I could wear every inventory slot with containers, and fill them with nothing but socketable chips. With leftovers! 
  • SteveSteve Member Posts: 136 ✭✭✭
    I do like the virtual trade terminal. Jack in, wander around. I totally dig it. The question would become how to fit a ton of shops and then how to organize them, not forgetting the ability to promote a shop to increase its visibility. Also, a cool thing would be to be able to put "doors" into the shop rooms so that you can do things like set permissions to FACTION, ALLIES, DYNASTY, and so on.

    Getting cooldowns as Nykara requested would be a big help to systems coders and the people for whom they write the systems.

    Factions being able to bounty people -- in addition to some of the other privileges for factions we've asked for that basically amount to making a faction into a person through which people with faction permissions can act, essentially -- would be awesome.

    More information to put into a prompt? Yes, please.

    There are lots of other good suggestions here I'd welcome! Just out of time to comment. Great ideas, all.

  • SammySammy Member Posts: 11
    Wouldn't mind expansion of the conceptual idea of the commsphere.

    The only direct interface players have with that idea is the backsides of doors to open them.

    What would the front facing elements be to the general public? Would there be surface level websites that overlay your vision? Would there be digital spaces that require a full sensory override to access? Digital marketplaces and shady abstract hacker spaces? Could you telepresent yourself via digital projection over someone else's augmented reality?

    This is obviously low priority rp stuff with expansion of the hacking system, ultimately, but stuff id be interested in seeing expanded on someday none the less.
    Oh no, It's Kass.

  • IkchorIkchor Member Posts: 152 ✭✭✭
    Deltrion said:
    All I want for Winterflame is....

    Better inventory management!

    I don't know about other people, but I cant stand knowing my character is arm-loading 400+ things, and I know there's people with way more than that. I have never played a game where I couldn't keep it tidy. But for some reason, there's just so much STUFF in Starmourn and I have a hard time jiving with the mental image of my overburdened character.

    Luckily there are a ton of container items in Starmourn. Unfortunately, they all need to have their capacity at least tripled across the board, even that promo item thing with 250 spaces. Yes, I COULD find get enough containers to hold everything, but now I have the problem of having 50 containers. I could wear every inventory slot with containers, and fill them with nothing but socketable chips. With leftovers! 
    If you want a reasonable means for carrying around that much junk/that many items, your inventory can be a virtual space and I mean that in the literal sense not the 'your inventory is a game mechanic, why are you this fussed about it' way. This is scifi, who says your inventory and the items you're carrying around are physically in your arms and not in some abstract HammerSpace virtual database you manage with your mindsim? As for containers, think of them as secure data storage devices. Theft isn't a thing, so the idea of a secure storage option is a bit of a stretch. Buuuut we did have the guards confiscating prisms for safety reasons a while back.

    I would like a way to categorise my stuff though, that'd be nice. 
    I forgot I was going to call myself Ike while in chargen, so now I'm Zarrach.
  • ValincoraValincora Member Posts: 13
    Even if we can't figure out virtual shopfronts, how about just merging trade terminals with the otherwise standard syntax (WARES, BUY, etc)? TT VISIT <shop> takes you to that virtual shop, and then wares and buy and probe work like normal. TT VISIT another takes you there, or TT EXIT or something lets you log out of the terminal and go on your way.

    Perms are already kind of vaguely handled by using non-Omni networks, because they're behind guards.
  • ValincoraValincora Member Posts: 13
    On a minor note, I'd love this to happen, even though it doesn't change much: Can we get GUILE BUG PLACE <prop> to be a thing? I'm willing to keep Construct for flavor, but is there ever really a reason to place one bug over another if you have a handful? Having to add the ID of the bug to place is tedious and seems pointless.
  • MarcellaMarcella Member Posts: 4
    I would like a way to categorise my stuff though, that'd be nice. 

    Being able to set categories in Nexus that provide linebreaks like Worn and Wielded do would be a good first step maybe. I'd just love if "Edible" was a category by itself and "Armor" so you can quickly find unworn armor pieces.

  • MentalThinkingMentalThinking Member Posts: 1
    I have two things - one I really want, and one I'd settle for if the first thing isn't viable for some reason.

    What I really want for winterflame:

    GMCP  aggro / wind up data!

    Currently, if you want to capture aggressive or winding mob data, you need to use INFO HERE and trigger the data. 

    Since the purpose of GMCP is to make life easier on UI builders - and allow for easy data display to users who don't know much about scripting - there's no real reason this information isn't in GMCP.

    On a similar note, I'd love if props had related GMCP attribute tags for their status. Because that should also be a thing, but as a PvEer, I care less about it.

    What I'd appreciate for Winterflame:

    The GMCP 'messages' count doesn't update when you read a message. So, if your messages are part of your UI (which they are in Nexus.), it doesn't go away unless you do something that *does* update that number. Which is.. checking your score? 

    It should update properly when I read my message, like the news GMCP does.
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