2v2 PvP Tourny

XuthoriXuthori Member Posts: 12

Hi all,

Just to alert people in case they haven't signed online in a bit and/or are just on discord (hopefully they see this through the disc forum alert anyway)

I'm pleased to announce that I will be organizing a 2-versus-2 duel tournament! Depending on how many teams sign up, we may go straight into elimination rounds with pairings decided randomly, or have an additional round-robin series to narrow down the top few teams vying for first place.

Fights will take place in the coming weeks, with the date of the finals decided at a later point in time. Each person may only sign up once, and cannot participate in multiple teams.  

To keep all contestants on equal footing, the above contest will be restricted to those at MIL 75. For those BELOW MIL 75, fret not! I shall hold a Free-for-all 2-versus-2 tournament just for you as well. The date and time for this lower-MIL fight will be announced later as well. 

Prizes: (Prizes below are per team, NOT per person per team)

MIL 75 bracket Teams
1st place: 400 Credits
2nd place: 200 Credits
3rd place: 100 Credits

Below-75 MIL Teams (FFA)
1st place: 200 Credits
Participation prize: 5 credits to ALL participants in this bracket

All other donations for prizes are also welcome!

Thank you all for reading this far. For now, to register, please send me a message (in game to Xuthori) with the following details: TEAM NAME, Team members, MIL bracket. 

DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS Starsday in the 3rd week of Starmourn, 961 A.E.
(//That should be 20 Dec 2020, Sunday 0000 hrs GMT)

Other rules/restrictions/information:
- Duels and Spars to take place in Arenas UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED to BETWEEN TEAMS (Its come to my attention that this can probably only be achieved via FFAs, but I'll figure this out - worst case scenario ppl just duel out in the open and I'll reimburse the clone costs.)
- No class combination restrictions (I'm aware 2x BEAST can out damage ez, but I'll keep it open for now unless people think this pairing should be banned for sure.)
- You may change classes BETWEEN fights
- (new rule in case open area duel) - No outside interference allowed. And no rezz'ing allowed - each participant only has one life per match 

For more information, feedback, or comments, please contact me directly via Message (in game to Xuthori)!

Come forth and test your might!!


//OOC: This is my first time organizing something like this, so if there are any serious imbalances or things I may not have thought about, please let me know!


  • XuthoriXuthori Member Posts: 12
    Greetings, everyone!

    Thank you all for your support for this event! So far, we have received a total of TWO teams signing up, meaning they're guaranteed to win first and second place unless more challengers show up! Surely making credits couldn't be THIS easy??

    On to the update- I've received questions and comments about the format of the tournament and would like to update the rules as below:

    Other rules/restrictions/information:
    - Duels and Spars to take place either in Arena events (FFAs or Rampages) or non-Arena locations as agreed to between contestants.

    - (new rule in case open area duel or Arena Event) - No outside interference allowed. And no resurrecting of clones/bodies allowed - each participant only has one life per match

    - No class combination restrictions (I've received one comment that two BEASTS may be overly powerful in this format, but this will continue to be allowed unless more votes against it are received among the participants)

    - You may change classes BETWEEN fights (not DURING fights)


    - Scoring and advancement of teams are yet to be decided until we have a final tally of teams in the mix. To keep everyone on the same page, depending on the teams we could have either of the following formats:

                i) Round Robin - each match up is best of 1. Scoring will be based on how many people left alive in your team. At the end of a full rotation of fights, and players will move on to Best-of-3 elimination rounds in winners and losers pools.

               ii) Straight to Eliminations - each match up will be Best-of-3, and match ups will be randomly picked from the master pool. If you lose a round, you will be out of the tournament immediately.

    DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS Starsday in the 3rd week of Starmourn, 961 A.E.
    (//That should be 20 Dec 2020, Sunday 0000 hrs GMT), so please continue to register by messaging me in game with your team details in the following format: TEAM NAME, Team members, MIL bracket.

    For more information on the original announcement, please read the Original Post above!

    Thank you for time again, and please let me know if you have any feedback or questions on the tournament!

    - Xuthori
    *Join us in Clan Mournal Kombat for more indepth discussions on combat and advice from a host of experienced spacers!
  • XuthoriXuthori Member Posts: 12
    Greetings, everyone! I'm pleased to announce that we have 6 teams that have signed up for the tournament!

    Our glorious gladiators in the MIL 75+ Category are as follows:
    Team AA: Azlyn and Asteyr
    Mischievious Miscreants: Mystor and Jaidyn
    Team003: Ata and Ibo
    Firewalls and Gadgets and Smashes Oh My: Erni and Holgorath
    Big Beak Energy: Aphra and Valincora
    Team Solo Harmony: Khal and Mairon
    *Team names have been selected for those who have not submitted team names previously, and can of course be changed at any time 

    Given the size of the competition, the tournament will proceed in two rounds over the next few months. 

    The first round will be a Round-Robin, where each team fights each other in a  Best-Of-1 fight series. Points will be awarded depending on how many people are left alive in your team at the end of the fight, according to the following table:

    Scenario 1) Team A 2 alive, Team B 0  alive => Team A 2 points, Team B 0 Points
    Scenario 2) Team A 2 alive, Team B 1 alive => Team A 2 points, Team B 1 Point
    Scenario 3) Both Teams equal number of players alive => true draw. Both teams 1 point

    Time Limits: The assumed time limit to determine the end of each match/fight is 10minutes (600 seconds). This can be adjusted if parties are fighting in the open, but the time limit must be agreed to by both teams BEFORE the fight starts! (//please include this agreement as part of your log)

    The 4 teams with the highest scores will move on to the next round, with the bottom two dropping out entirely. Each team should have a total of 5 fights through the week. If you cannot complete any pairings, no points will be awarded for that matchup.
    *In the case of ties in scores, teams who scored more kills in their match ups will advance over those who got less kills. 

    Round 2 will be elimination round in Best of 3 format. The teams with the highest scores from Round 1 will be placed in the winners bracket, facing each other - the winner will move on to the finals, and the loser will face the winner of the losers bracket. 
    The other two teams will be in the losers bracket facing each other, with the loser being knocked out. 
    The finals will be a First-To-Three wins to determine the winner of the tournament!

    Round 2 fights will need to result in a clear win or loss, so they will need to be held in non-arena locations, as agreed to by the contestants. 
    No Time limits for Round 2

    E.g. for Round 2) Each Team ended round 1 with the following points: Team A 10, Team B 8, Team C 6, Team D 4
    Winners Bracket: Team A vs Team B -> Team A wins, moves to finals; Team B loses, moves to Semi-Finals
    Losers Bracket: Team C vs Team D -> Team D wins, moves to semi-finals; Team C eliminated
    Semi-Finals: Team B vs Team D -> Team D wins, moves to finals, Team B eliminated
    Finals: Team A vs Team D, first to three wins wins the tournament!

    Round 1 will last for two months from Sathsday in the 3rd week of Starmourn, 961 A.E. 
    (// Start is 21 Dec 2020 Monday, 12pm GMT in case I have any last min rules/changes to make on the format based on feedback. Deadline for fights to finish is 3 Jan 2020, Sunday 0000hrs GMT, leaving it this long to allow for people to schedule stuff as may have Christmas/New Year Commitments)
    (// There will be daily updates to the score table by me to keep everyone updated on the match up progress)
    Round 2 will last for two months from the end of Round 1 - a formal annoucement will be made to set up the timeline for this. 

    - ***Fights must be logged and submitted to Xuthori for record keeping in case of discrepancies in reporting. If a fight log for a match up is not submitted, it will NOT be counted to your scoring! 
    (// I will not share your data or logs with anyone unless given permission to do so by all parties involved in the fight)
    - Fights to take place either in Arena events (FFAs or Rampages) or non-Arena locations as agreed to between contestants.
    - No outside interference allowed. and No resurrecting of clones/bodies allowed - each participant only has one life per match
    - No class combination restrictions
    - You may change classes BETWEEN fights (not DURING fights)

    Prize Pool Update:
    As no one has signed up for the under-75 MIL bracket, I have updated the prize pool for the 75+ category below:
    MIL 75 bracket Teams 
    1st place: 400 Credits
    2nd place: 200 Credits
    3rd place: 100 Credits
    4th place: 50 Credits
    5/6th place: 10 Credits to all entrants

    Good luck to all contestants! Please let me know if you have any questions on the proceedings!


  • XuthoriXuthori Member Posts: 12
    Greetings, everyone!

    The first few fights of the Prepare for Trouble 2v2 Tournament have concluded with some SMASHING performances! A summary of the results below:

    1) Team AA slashed and hacked their way through the wiles of Team 003
    Team 003 vs Team AA: Team AA wins 2:0

    2) The Mischievous Miscreants cloaked, daggered and tripped up the Harmonious Soloists
    Team MM vs Team SH: Team MM wins 2:0

    3) Team Harmony showed Team 003 the true meaning of bullet hell
    Team SH vs Team 003: Team SH wins 2:0
    With that, the current standings are:

    Team Win-Lose-Draw Points Total
    AA     1-0-0 2
    MM        1-0-0 2
    003       0-2-0 0
    FGSOM     0-0-0 0
    BBE     0-0-0 0
    SH     1-1-0 2

    Team AA: Azlyn and Asteyr
    Mischievous Miscreants: Mystor and Jaidyn
    Team003: Ata and Ibo
    Firewalls and Gadgets and Smashes Oh My: Erni and Holgorath
    Big Beak Energy: Aphra and Valincora
    Team Solo Harmony: Khal and Mairon

    The fun is just getting started! Let's see who ends up on top when the dust clears!!
    (// and thanks everyone for providing the logs! Super fun to read and I'm sweating while going through them! Again, I will ask for your permission at the END of the tournament before sharing any of this.)
  • XuthoriXuthori Member Posts: 12
    Greetings, everyone!

    Did you feel the rumblings in the arena earlier this week? I sure did while I was on the ice! More clashes happened earlier and I'm pleased to provide a summary of the results below:

    1) Team Solo Harmony had their armor dented and broken by those dastardly AAs
    Team SH vs Team AA: Team AA wins 2:0

    2) Team 003 brought the shocks but went home without socks after some explosive Mischievous treatment
    Team MM vs Team 003: Team MM wins 2:0

    3) The Mischievous Miscreants laid some devices carefully around the arena and they would've gotten away with it too if not for those meddling AAs!
    Team MM vs Team AA: Team AA wins 2:0

    With that, the current standings are:

    Team Win-Lose-Draw Points Total
    AA    3-0-0 6
    MM     2-1-0 4
    003    0-3-0 0
    FGSOM    0-0-0 0
    BBE    0-0-0 0
    SH    1-2-0 2

    Team AA: Azlyn and Asteyr
    Mischievous Miscreants: Mystor and Jaidyn
    Team003: Ata and Ibo
    Firewalls and Gadgets and Smashes Oh My: Erni and Holgorath
    Big Beak Energy: Aphra and Valincora
    Team Solo Harmony: Khal and Mairon

    We're halfway through the preliminary rounds and things are shaking up right about now! Cheer your teams on with words of encouragement and they may be ROUSED to greater glory!

  • XuthoriXuthori Member Posts: 12
    Greetings everyone! 

    The pleasantries have been dealt with in Round One of the tournament and the fires of competition burn strong and fierce! After a tough round of tussles we are left with Four final contestants in the running for the top prizes! Please welcome your Final Four:

    1) Finishing top with 6 points, boasting a 3-0 win-loss ratio, the Fiery Furies Azlyn and Asteyr!

    2) In second place with 4 points are the sneaky Mischievous Miscreants - Jaidyn and Mystor!

    3) Coming in third are the gun toting, gauntlet throwing hulks of Solo Harmony - Khal and Mairon!

    4) Last but not least are the tactically ever changing double-'O' Three - Ata and Ibo!!

    A round of applause please for Aphra, Valincora, Erni, and Holgorath from Big Beak Energy and FGSOM for their valiant efforts so far, but this is where we say goodbye to them in the competition - better luck next time!

    On to ROUND TWO - 
    Upper Bracket - Team AA & Team MM
    Lower Bracket - Team SG & Team 003

    I realize there was a typo in the original announcement regarding the Grand Finals so here are the proceedings:
    Round 2 will be elimination round in Best of 3, double elimination format. 
    The winner of the Upper Bracket will move on to the Grand Finals, with the loser moving on to the Lower Bracket (part 2). 
    The winner of the Lower Bracket (part 1) will fight the loser of the Upper Bracket, and the loser of this Lower Bracket (part 1) will be knocked out. 
    The winner of Lower Bracket (part 2) will move on to the grand finals, and the loser of Lower Bracket (part 2) will take third place.

    In the Grand Finals, the Winner of the Upper Bracket will need to win ONE set of a best of three to win the tournament. The winner of the Lower Bracket (part 2) needs to win TWO sets of best-of-threes to firstly knock the other finalists into the Lower Bracket, and then to eliminate them. 

    Round two will take place over the next two months. (// deadline will be 24 January 2020 0000GMT) 

    Remember to record your fights and submit the results to me for loggigng!

    Good luck, and may the best team win!!

    - Xuthori 

    (//payouts for BBE and FGSOM have been made! Congrats guys, and better luck next time! MORE EVENTS TO FOLLOW FROM HEREEE)
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