Announcements post #147: Weekly Update.

AutoposterAutoposter Member, Bot Posts: 293 ✭✭✭
From: Starmaker Eukelade
Subject: Weekly Update.

Hey Starmourners! As usual, I try to let you all know what we've been up to on a regular basis, so here's the quick, cliff's notes summary of what the team has been working on in the last week or so.

- Zersiax is continuing to do classleads implementation behind the scenes.
- Onboarding a new coder volunteer - will introduce him officially soon!
- First annual Scare the Storytellers Halloween Writing Contest! Lots of participation so far - be sure to send your entries in, it ends on October 31st at 11:59pm est!
- Designed new tracking system for organization of coder projects and ideas.
- New design for a change to how arena events will be handled. Approved, currently in review by coding team.
- Tightening up rules and regs for current and future volunteers, cleaned up wiki access, and other administrative hygiene things. (I know that probably sounds boring to you all, but its still a necessary part of running the game!)
- Even more design types added to tradeskills.
- A scattering of fun little utility scripts added across furnishings.
- Several very fancy new junk items added.
- New titles and honors rewards for Captaincy.
- Stripper pole added to Scatterhome.

There's even more stuff in progress this week, so stay tuned!
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