Time/Dimensional Travel

annysannys Member Posts: 66 ✭✭
Various means of time manipulation seem to be entirely possible in the Starmourn world. At the very least, it is suggested to be plausible on the grand scale, such as the theories of the origins of the Empyreals/Omega being in the distant future. It's clearly possible on the micro/personal scales, as apparently demonstrated by the nanoseer's Oblivion abilities to reverse their personal time for a few seconds.

Alternate dimensions also apparently seem to be a thing, especially with the Earth going poof and all.

Such things are common in the genre, since time-travel is such a popular trope in various sci-fi settings. Too popular, others often say, perhaps being an overused cliche. Some love it, some hate it. 

I personally like the idea of us being the mysterious attackers who explode the Omega to bits in the distant past. Or perhaps the very first (last or latest?) Empyreals walk among us even now?

How much do you think time/dimensional travel and manipulation would be welcome in Starmourn events and such?


  • VillanoxVillanox Member Posts: 112 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2017
    I think dimensional travel will be a thing, specifically with the threat posed by the Ishavana as well as Earth's disappearance, but I don't think time travel will be a thing
  • CookieCookie Member Posts: 23 ✭✭
    I really like the idea, and I think there's ways  that individuals and groups could experience isolated forms of greater time travel RP amd actual events. Personal instances, for one, would allow for a more inidividualized experience.. A grander scale would be amazing but I'm not sure how they would pull that off.

    Excellent food for thought, though!

    Zhill says, "Drats."
    You say to Zhill, "Thanks anyways! I'm gonna go break more things!"
    Zhill tells you, "You show'em!"
    You joyfully tell Zhill, "I sure will!"
    You laughingly tell Zhill, "Or I'll die horribly! Ahahaha!"
  • JekkJekk Member Posts: 15
    I'd also guess that dimensional travel might be likely, I'm kind of against time travel as that always makes things way more complex/hard to follow than necessary, making it less worth it to do. The way nanoseer works just makes it so interesting to think about how many things could work.
  • IarriIarri Member Posts: 8
    Yeah, as someone who can't get into Dr. Who due to the time travel inconsistencies, please don't do time travel. There should be plenty of things to do with the story dimensionally without having to play with time, right? ;P 
  • bairlochbairloch Member Posts: 373 ✭✭✭
    I would be fine for time travel in specific, dev-run, rp events, but that's about it. Otherwise... things get messy.
    Nanoseer thing is an easy explain. Something like, they can only go back so far before the Universe puts things right, that sort of thing.
    Dimensions? Well, being a Lusternian, yeah, I'd say dimensional play will probably be a thing. :)
  • annysannys Member Posts: 66 ✭✭
    Cookie said:
    I really like the idea, and I think there's ways  that individuals and groups could experience isolated forms of greater time travel RP amd actual events. Personal instances, for one, would allow for a more inidividualized experience.. A grander scale would be amazing but I'm not sure how they would pull that off.

    Excellent food for thought, though!

    Something like instances make sense to me, personal or no. Functionally, it could be as simple as an area of the game that's cut off from the commsphere, with flavor filling in the time bits. Probably gated off by a black hole, since BHs and the related void kith seem to be the keys to time travel in Starmourn. Perhaps the technology to use a black hole is limited? Like, if you can only travel in events, that's the only time the tech/mineral/whatever shows up because reasons.

    bairloch said:
    I would be fine for time travel in specific, dev-run, rp events, but that's about it. Otherwise... things get messy.
    Nanoseer thing is an easy explain. Something like, they can only go back so far before the Universe puts things right, that sort of thing.
    Dimensions? Well, being a Lusternian, yeah, I'd say dimensional play will probably be a thing. :)
    Why does it have to get messy? Time is generally considered another dimension anyway. Paradoxes/changing time can be rendered irrelevant with some of the schools of thought that TT doesn't work that way, anyway. It just makes the effect seem to precede the cause from a linear point of view. As in, the grandfather paradox is irrelevant. You can't kill your grandpa in the past because before you were born, you've already been in the past to try it, and it didn't work. In the future when you try doesn't change the outcome, because it's already happened.

    This might make the entire effort seem pointless, but it's not necessarily so. The outcomes may already be written, but due to uncertainty involved (nobody has a clue who killed Omega, or why) the outcome still isn't known.

    Spitballing here, but one example of a cause to do it might be that it's where Earth went. Omega's got Earth 16 million years ago now (TT pun :proud: ). We want Earth back. We figure out we can get back to Omega through a black hole. We know that's where Omega's destroyers came from, and we know that one of the attempts succeeded, so it's not so crazy to try. But maybe our control of which event we come out in isn't so good, so when we get there, there's no way of knowing if we're in one of the failed attacks or not. So we're not guaranteed to succeed. Nor is there any room for 'changing history' because before Earth disappeared we've already been millions of years ago, kicking Empyreal ass. Paradoxy messes avoided!

    And I get to satisfy my itch to see Empyreals and Wild Kith and stuff. Good times all around.
  • DodgerDodger Member Posts: 54 ✭✭
    There's actually a bashing area in Achaea that exists both in the present and "in the past", but it's less of direct time travel and more of a 'pocket time period' kind of thing you can get access to. So maybe there could be things like that in Starmourn.
  • BaedundarielBaedundariel Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
    Time travel seems like a difficult play in an ever living and fluid game world.. would be interesting to see if and how this would work. 
  • KurdockKurdock Member Posts: 11
    It would be cool for a class to be able to "time-travel" to their status 5 seconds ago, same amount of health, same amount of afflictions, maybe even same location. It doesn't sound too gamebreaking if you put something like a 60 second cooldown on that skill. Basically what this skill would do is remove one or two afflictions, or give you back some health (quite powerful against large burst damage). I think it's a nice base idea that could be worked around into something practical.
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