Just wanted to see some discussion on trade skills. Speculative or otherwise. Just something I haven't seen mention of thus far(though admittedly I've not read through everything on the forums here.)
IRE has several different trades across all their games, with some commonalities. I, personally, feel that some of them simply don't make sense in a sci-fi setting. Take tailoring for instance. In a fantasy setting, pre-industrial revolution, tailoring makes sense. Clothes would be hand made then. But in a post industrial revolution era, especially one so futuristic, handmade clothes are not really common. The vast majority are machine produced, with those being tailored by hand only bought by the wealthy, for formal functions, or business, and hand tailored more for an exact fit than anything.
Then there are the trade skills that can easily be translated to a sci-fi setting. Forging can become something similar, where you get machinests who work on guns, kithblades, and so on. And a sci-fi setting also opens up interesting other possiblities, such as cyberware as a tradeskill. I could see this being either an analog of tattoos as they are in other IRE games, tattoos as they are in Lusternia(which are very different from other IRE games), or something new. If, you know, they decide to have such a skill. Which I hope they do, because cyborgs.
So. How does everyone else see them translating things over? Or what do you all see them potentially introducing as trade skills in Starmourn? I personally can't see them not having trades, as the option to be anything you want, including a merchant, has been a fairly heavily featured part of IRE games.
Or better than that post in the same thread: http://forums.starmourn.com/discussion/comment/1496#Comment_1496
And better yet: http://forums.starmourn.com/discussion/60/shops-crafting-and-commerce/p1
Food for thought in the continuing discussion!
On what you wrote, I would be surprised if they didn’t have some sort of tailoring. Even if a lot of people do have mass-produced clothing, I’m sure some people would want tailor-made items, especially the wealthy or for special occasions. Logic aside, though, unless they’re planning on replacing it with something, it seems unlikely that they’ll mix a creative outlet that is also a small gold (mark
I’m trying to remember all the various places that people have asked about body mods and cybernetics. I’ll see if I can find it later but I believe the ability to do body enhancements was going to be low.
One really cool idea could be a way to have several people produce a ship as a collaborative effort. I know they’re going to have different classes and sizes of ships, so why not make them or pieces of them somewhat craftable?
if there's no kittens in space
I'm going on a rampage
TectonToday at 2:17 PM
They're called w'hoorn, Groot
sets out a saucer of milk
I mostly haven't been a crafter in IRE, focussing on tradeskills instead (gathering and item creation).
I enjoy when there is a crossover between the types of playstyle. For example, if knowledge gained while exploring helps in pvp, social or trade. I enjoy pvp more when there is some other implication, be it fighting over a resource, a personal feud or a political one.
if there's no kittens in space
I'm going on a rampage
TectonToday at 2:17 PM
They're called w'hoorn, Groot
sets out a saucer of milk