Hi everyone,
Recently joined and enjoying getting back into roleplaying. Some questions:
How do Jin, who traditionally spend their lives preparing for death, regard being revived continuously through cloning?
Does a death that causes a clone to activate count as that kind of death for which they have been preparing?
As far as I have been able to reason for myself, I think from my character's perspective, who is relatively young and has died twice already, that they are experiencing a continuous cycle of life and death, and this, philosophically, can provide opportunities for emotional growth (or other personality changes).
On the topic of cloning:
Is it believable for a character to experience forgetfulness and other time-related disorders after being cloned? Could you believe adverse effects related to memory over the long term from repeated cloning? Or are such aberrations generally unheard of due to the time the technology has been around?
Do/Could deaths in space affect memory? If (from the main site) "brain state is then uploaded to a cloning facility whenever you land on a planet or space station with one"? My character died in space and I was wondering if my character would reasonably be able to tell others about it, if I look at the last time I was on a space station as "upload of memories".
I've run across this line of thinking before in games with cloning as a respawn/resurrection mechanic and I enjoy it (when I can remember to do it, since it is alot easier to just run on an uninterrupted timeline and I have trouble keeping my narrative straight as it is