Playable Bushraki Race

SolusSolus Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
That's right! All of you must have known immediately after seeing the title it was gonna be me asking for this. First, I wanna thank those who are gonna take the time to read this. Second, forgive my poor grammar as I'm not an expert by any means in such.

(Note: Had no clue where to place this thread)

TLDR: Bushraki have tons of lore, aren't better than other races, let's make it a playable race.

Bushraki can and should be a playable race and here's why.

When I first saw Starmourn in development the Bushraki really caught my eyes as the roleplay and deep background provided via lore was amazing. Later when the Beta first started I found out that Bushraki weren't playable and the reasoning stated was that they'd have racial advantages over the other races. No clue if this is true as it was stated by players OOC but I wanna clear some things up.

All the lore can be found here:

The Bushraki were considered powerful due to the wetwiring systems that they had which gave an immense advantage to those who did not have them. At one period of time, they possessed both wetwiring and mindsims when no one else did. This gave them the ability to store medicine in their bodies to heal themselves and the ability to process information better than any other race. After they betrayed the Ishvana though the technology of wetwiring and mindsims were spread across the Starmourn galaxy thus eliminating any advantages they previously had besides cybernetics. That means every spacer/player has that same advantage the Bushraki has. 

Cybernetics -  Bushraki artifacts do exist now and I know I'm assuming this but the reason you can wear them without your body rejecting such modifications is because your wetwiring system and any race can have them (Correct me if I'm wrong please) . You could say that bushraki would start off with cybernetics but they wouldn't be artifact tiered limbs and such. For one I presume almost all artifacts are Ishvana technology and enhancements so the bushraki artifacts are Ishvana technology. Meaning most regular Bushraki probably has regular old limb parts built with simple cybernetics.

H.E.T.E Cloning and Body - Some folks might ask well if you die don't you have to be cloned? I'm sure H.E.T.E could grow your body with a few missing limbs and attack tech onto it. I currently own bushraki legs and they attach them onto me no problem after I die. A few flavor lines here and there would suffice.

Roleplay - Some folks might see the Bushraki as raving lunatics that can't be trusted but the roleplay it can provide is immense. Previously, they had a culture that created or appreciated art, literature, music, and vigorous sports before they were invaded and brutally experimented on by a higher technological species. Aye, they kinda went coo coo for coco puffs for awhile but they had a good reason to be upset! After awhile they even turned their back against the Ishvana and helped fight them off. Currently, they reside in Oldtown, New Dakimazi, and pirate across space. Meaning you could roleplay as a Bushraki who wants to recover their previous culture, a hate filled warrior against the Ishvana/Sa'hak-ren, pirate, druggie, or whatever else you wanted to be.

The Bushraki have a very deep lore that has been explored very thoroughly and I believe that making them a playable race adds lots of roleplay opportunities. Though some people may view them with disdain, I believe that players should be given a chance to lead this race out of it's sad past and make history in Starmourn.

Thanks for reading everyone!

(Scatterhome): You say, "Do you like things up your ass? Is your record clean? Are you looking for a job in the near future but not right now? Smuggle drugs for Solus and get stuffed across the galaxy."


  • CubeyCubey Member Posts: 333 ✭✭✭
    Bushraki are biologically human. All bushraki RPers I saw just ran a human character and said "actually they are heavily augmented and a bushraki" and I don't think anyone had an issue with it.

    Anyway the devs were asked several times to make bushraki playable (it's the most often asked for player race, fatar being the second) and they always said no, so I assume there must be an important lore reason that wasn't revealed yet.
  • SolusSolus Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2020
    Cubey said:
    Bushraki are biologically human. All bushraki RPers I saw just ran a human character and said "actually they are heavily augmented and a bushraki" and I don't think anyone had an issue with it.

    Anyway the devs were asked several times to make bushraki playable (it's the most often asked for player race, fatar being the second) and they always said no, so I assume there must be an important lore reason that wasn't revealed yet.
    Is the human you ran into named Keiko? If so they stated their character believed they were Bushraki and wasn't actually one. I personally don't have any problems with them believing themselves to be Bushraki but there is a difference between the race being labeled Bushraki and race being labeled Human. 

    Currently, most of the explanation above explains how it could be a playable race. What plans the devs have in the future for them I don't know but there are plenty of NPCs currently that are playable races now but it shouldn't stop the lore and story that can be built using the current playable races in the future.
    (Scatterhome): You say, "Do you like things up your ass? Is your record clean? Are you looking for a job in the near future but not right now? Smuggle drugs for Solus and get stuffed across the galaxy."

  • WoodroWoodro Member Posts: 29 ✭✭
    edited February 2020
    I agree with this in that it would give future and current players a way to steer away from being a human. A lot of players want it and I feel that it would fit into the dynamic of the game very well. Maybe even give humans a quest that would let them augment themselves to be considered a bushraki. I see a race that has great potential in both RP and lore interactions. I would love to see our surplus of humans become more diverse and to see a branch of human society play out. How do the two treat each other? If it is a converted human are they still treated like a human? How will the rest of the sector view this? In the long run, it is such a minor thing that lots of people would get enjoyment from.
  • JeromJerom Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    Unlikely to ever happen though. Shortly after open beta started, Aurelius posted something on why Bushraki are not a playable race : 

    Aurelius Posts: 467Administrator Starmourn staff
    Except punching a Bushraki is a good way to get dead, fast. One of the reasons they aren't a playable race is that they're heavily augmented to be better than general flesh creatures (regardless of how that plays out mechanically). They're faster, stronger, and usually hopped up on all kinds of drugs that boost those attributes even further, not to mention give them their uneven *cough* temperament. 
  • SolusSolus Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2020
    Jerom said:
    Unlikely to ever happen though. Shortly after open beta started, Aurelius posted something on why Bushraki are not a playable race : 

    Aurelius Posts: 467Administrator Starmourn staff
    Except punching a Bushraki is a good way to get dead, fast. One of the reasons they aren't a playable race is that they're heavily augmented to be better than general flesh creatures (regardless of how that plays out mechanically). They're faster, stronger, and usually hopped up on all kinds of drugs that boost those attributes even further, not to mention give them their uneven *cough* temperament. 
    Given that this was at the very start of the beta I feel like things could be subject to change. Currently, we've got our hands on bushraki cybernetics through artifacts and can use them so we can see what benefits it gives. Spacers can find Bushraki in various places and fight them and win as well so it's not a impossibility. As we gain MILs we also augment ourselves to becoming faster, stronger, etc. With the temperament problem, you just described 80% of Scatterhome as well.

    I could replace Bushraki with Solus and I swear it'd fit in every sense.

    Except punching Solus is a good way to get dead, fast.  They're heavily augmented (Whale) to be better than general flesh creatures. They're faster, stronger, and usually hopped up on all kinds of drugs that boost those attributes even further, not to mention give them their uneven *cough* temperament. 

    Once/If/When drugs are released the player base has been asking for it to add stat boosting effects. At that point we've got everything that matches a description of a Bushraki except them not really being one.  All of this can be explained through storytelling and roleplay but we're just letting it sit in the junk pile. Aye, it would be a lot of work but IRE is known for it's RP and player involved events. How players shape the world around them through their own actions and effort by working with the Devs. We've paved the way through with the Gang Wars, New Dakimazi, and with the current state of the game Bushraki are 99% go but 1% no.

    Not every Bushraki is privileged or blessed with artifact tier cybernetic limbs, else I when I probe A Skull-featured Bushraki gang member in Oldtown they wouldn't be laughably weak.

    (Edited: Got emotional. Apologies)

    (Scatterhome): You say, "Do you like things up your ass? Is your record clean? Are you looking for a job in the near future but not right now? Smuggle drugs for Solus and get stuffed across the galaxy."

  • SqueakumsSqueakums Member Posts: 230 ✭✭✭
    I would 100% support Bushraki as a playable race. During development, cybernetic enhancements, cyborg-like classes, etc. were some of the things I kept browsing the forums in search of. As more of these things make their way to the game, the inclusion of playable Bushraki makes more and more sense. 
  • gravithiccgravithicc Member Posts: 26
    I prefer having an in-game method for humans to become bushraki. Get enough cybernetics (read: pay enough money), complete an initiation quest, and bam! Race changed from "Human" to "Bushraki."

    Maybe any race can become Bushraki if they try hard enough.
  • Bob_KimmelBob_Kimmel Member Posts: 14
    As I understand it, becoming a cyborg doesnt make you bushraki any more than implanting yourself in any culture or species (if you are into that stuff) makes you an actual member of that species or culture. Bushraki are modified from birth and exist in a culture that shapes them, just like any real world culture. To have some surgery and say "I am Bushraki now" would be a bit tacky but it's still valid rp. I mean.. we have those people irl who go to India for a gap year and come back reinventing themselves.. and while I personally hate those people, it is a valid archetypal personality and life motivation...
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