
Announcements post #91: IRE Helper Android App.

EukeladeEukelade Administrator, Moderator Posts: 177 Starmourn staff
edited November 2019 in Announce Posts
Author: Starmaker Eukelade
Subject: IRE Helper Android App.
Those of you with Android devices will be excited to know we have updated the app. It has been completely rewritten. It now includes Starmourn and all known bugs are now eradicated.
You can find the app here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.vadisystems.irehelper
If you used the app before, you will have to log back into the app again. We apologize, but there was no way to work around this in a way that made sense. Major thank you to David Edwards who helped get this project completed. Thank you to Vadi from Mudlet who built the initial project and helped get this version rolled out.
If you find any bugs, please email us at irehelper@ironrealms.com and we will get all over them.
We are planning an iOS version if we can track down someone interested in the work.
- The IRE Android Development Team


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    DeltrionDeltrion Member Posts: 27
    So far, it's much cooler than the last one! Well done team!
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    RylekRylek Member Posts: 84 ✭✭✭
    I want an easy way to reply to message sender :(
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    MeldMeld Member Posts: 6
    Why is there no game feed?
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    HorenHoren Member Posts: 6
    Rylek said:
    I want an easy way to reply to message sender :(
    Or maybe even just a way to send messages from the app, not just replying. 
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