<pre>From: Ilyos, the Arbiter
Subject: Talents preview.
Greetings Starmourners,
We've briefly mentioned before that post level 75 progression will take on a different aspect in Starmourn. While you will still gain experience, this experience will not increase your level but will allow you to purchase talent points that will further enhance your character. These talents are mostly geared towards enhancing your PvE experience and will have minimal impact in PvP. Individual bonuses are meant to be small but they add up over time and you will soon find yourself becoming more adept at hunting, questing and gathering loot.
We have a preview ready of what we're thinking about implementing talent-wise. Head on over to the forums (if you want the spoilers), following this announcement's link and take a look at what we've planned and let's talk about it!
While these talents are all coded in, the values might (and probably will) change before they're live. Also, we still have a lot of work to do content wise, since we'd like to expand the main quest some more before releasing the system.</pre>
I recognize this is geared towards ground activities, which I suppose makes sense for the XP system. Should we expect something similar or some other endgame system for hacking/captaincy in the (maybe far) future?
This is motivating.
"Why do I hear boss music?"
Nanoseers would have a >(1/2)^n probability of wiping out a room of n mobs instantly with a vacuumsphere.
Crit is top tier, basically must have for every class. Elevates classes with on demand aoe to clear entire rooms at incredible speeds.
Damage resistance is decent. Affects pvp too and gives reliable damage reduction over long run that is comparable to 10% dodge for light armour. Even better than dodge for medium and heavy.
Dodge is not remotely good. Same problems as evasion.
Second wind is just OK on its own, but I can see it being bonkers for AoE bashing Nanos with maxed crit. Basically go room to room dropping vacuumspheres, getting back to full health and continuing. Could probably average like 3s per mob.
As always, the talents seem to make the better classes even better.
Tldr: crit >>>>>> second wind > damage resistance > dodge
For pvp damage resistance doesn't mean anything since damage strats are not remotely viable 1v1 assuming you know what you're doing.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
I feel like we need, and have for some time needed, long term goals but we're being given ways to reach those goals faster. Problem is that the goals don't exist. It's like everyone complained about things taking too long in other IRE games so everything here got thrown at us immediately. Like I've had a five room ship for a long time and I could easily bump it up to seven rooms if I had the marks. The reason I haven't is because I don't care, because there's no reason to, and talents appear to be a way to make marks (that I don't have a use for) faster.
Like... We levelcap at 75 so the entry-barrier to PvP isn't crazy high. Okay, cool, Achaea made theirs essentially 80 for PvP entry and then you can spend forever getting to dragon after that. Dragon is 'a thing' one can aim for and yes, it has benefits, but overall at this point I'd say that it's a more of a self-contained goal than anything else, given how many people prefer to hunt in lesser form.
I dunno. I'm really caffeinated and rambly. This is just something that I've been thinking about for a while and when I saw there was a plan for post-75 stuff I got excited until I read what it's going to entail.
Drop Ideas:
-Unique weapon/armor mods
-Ship upgrades (yes, there should be ship versions of these areas)
-Customization caskets
-Temporary artifacts
-Passcodes that unlock exciting new areas
Overall I like the conceptualization of these skills