The following post is a public service announcement!
The Storyteller team can neither confirm nor deny that players in the Starmourn sector may or may not see, hear of, or participate in events of interest to them on the 3rd of October at 6pm EST, especially if those players are citizens of the Celestine Ascendancy.
It's possible nothing will happen. OR WILL IT? Well, it might not. BUT WHAT IF IT DID THOUGH?
So if you have time, log in! Or don't. (But definitely log in.)
This has been a public service announcement.
Alright, I'll try to get out of bed. No promises.
Usually I wouldn't ask but I had too many negative experiences when someone said EST or PST but they actually meant EDT/PDT/whatever.
But basically - yeah, this was a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who participated - and stay tuned, because it isn't over!
That's okay! Not every event is for every person. You're allowed to not like it! But if you'd like to give some constructive criticism, a little bit more information about what you don't like would be useful!
It is also good to keep in mind that while the Storyteller team is overseeing this, the T'rath dynasty has actual players who are having fun with their personal RP - it's okay if someone's personal RP is not your thing, but let's keep that in mind!
And don't forget, if you have any great story ideas for the Ascendancy that would be more your speed, please feel free to send them to the Storytellers. That's what we're here for!
Also, I don't think faction leaders need to sign off on world events happening to their faction. It's a living, breathing world. Stuff happens.
Regarding the "Veteran Guards." Sentimental value is irrelevant. This is a game. The guards are just made up NPCs. That's not a real loss. React in-game accordingly - It's a loss in game. Don't bring RP emotions to the forums and expect it to have the same meaning.
CA is finally involved in a world event after a long time of not getting any and with players being vocal about that. Seems like you're just finding reasons to complain though. It meets your history on the forums, so at least you're consistent. Sorry your Guardianship doesn't give you the leash over the game's RP that you want.
You're not providing solutions or alternatives or anything constructive. You're just shitting on the event.
"Guards are just made up NPCs" is a view more in-line with non-rp games, especially when, as it appears, those guards were involved in past story lines.
The fact that people care about these guards beyond being just npcs means that the admin who gave them that meaning obviously did their jobs right.
As a player base we need to realize that jobbing is part of the RP scenarios. It is virtually impossible to code and support more than a couple different outcomes.
Further, RP needs of different people will almost always be left wanting by the very nature of events.
What this does however tell us is that more such events are welcome to cater to a varied audience in different capacities.
@Cubey's comments read to me that it's more along the lines of tropes such as "Curb Stomp Battle", "Hopeless Boss Fight", and maybe "Failure Is The Only Option". They are tropes that can be played on either side but to me the goal would be to try to make the outcome as positive as possible for the victim side. (cause really, the winners cause won)
For example, as part of the conclusion of the event maybe play up the deaths of the guards and have an uprising of citizens that replaces the ones that were lost, potentially even expanding on the story lines Cubey mentioned about that group? You could also drop some MacGuffin that has intriguing implications that opens up or advances a story line?
As I said, have very little visibility of exactly what occured, so take my words with a massive heaping of salt, but it feels like the loss experienced by Celestine in this instance was a perfect opportunity to drive RP for the faction and get players invested and involved.
One reason seems to be that events like this aren't even really about the losing group, they're about the winning group. So the losing group can be left to deal with the fall out while the winning group basks in the glory of victory.
And, as seems pretty clear just from here, being portrayed as a victim or a failure really isn't the most fun thing. Negative portrayals in events might spur some rp but they also make people question being on the losing side which can pretty easily negate any benefits.
I'm having a lot of fun RPing around this event. Thank you for running it!
I love conflict to spur up rp. Unless I'm mistaken, this is one losing RP event? I mean, if the admin was like HAHAHA that's all you're ever going to do and then we'll send Song out to trounce you, then I'd see an uproar. And it's ongoing, evidenced by the newfound residents on the streets. And that's a reason for a rallying cry, and if you can't immediately solve the issue due to the event nature of it, there's room for closed door sessions, huddled away as private as you can get it, talking about how to rid yourself of this crazy death cult.
There's room for suspicions, is anyone else involved, keeping a lower profile? There's room to try (and probably fail as there's limited storytellers/admins involved) to have minor conversations with the cultists, see if any of them will tell you more about why they're involved or even how they got involved.
There's room to mourn the loss of the guards.
The only way to really lose is to be mad you've lost and leave it there.
And yes, of course, if any of the members of CA (or anyone else!) wish to contact the Storytellers about any plot they want to run regarding the cult in Celestine, they are more than welcome to, and as Ilyos mentioned, the event is far from over.
Also, I can personally attest to the fact that if anyone attempts to talk to a cultist NPC, if I am around they WILL get an answer. And I am around a LOT.
Overall I thought it was a good, fun event that was flexible enough to allow wildcards. I'd call that a win for any Event team. So, hat's off and props to the Event team!