Quality of Life Wishlist

RhindaraRhindara Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
edited September 2019 in Feedback
This thread is for all of the little quality of life updates you'd like to see that would make the game just a little more polished, accessible, or fun to play. Major sweeping changes like 'make my class not suck' are beyond the scope of this thread.

My first requests are: 
  • Some way to transfer clans instead of being forced to challenge for leadership of them
  • Clan history [IMPLEMENTED]


  • SammySammy Member Posts: 11
    I would suggest adding numpad controls for ship as part of the base reflex package, personally.
    Oh no, It's Kass.

  • IlyosIlyos Administrator, Moderator Posts: 96 Starmourn staff
    This is a good thread!
  • RocketCatRocketCat Member Posts: 199 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019

    - GMCP Char.Item.Contents for Scoundrel Bandoliers
    - GMCP Char.Items.List 'inv' which works for BEAST's mounted/active/inactive weapons
    - MARKET OFFER/ORDER LIST [filter1] [filter2]...
    - CARGO CONTENTS HERE/ALL/SHIP [filter1] [filter2]... [IMPLEMENTED] - Partly, there is only one filter that can be either commodity or location
       - These filters should allow for a 'Location' filter, a 'Commodity' filter, and for MARKET of course still the 'MINE'/'PERSONAL' filters.

    Hi, I'm Ata. Oh and maybe some other people, too. o:) Check out my various packages for Nexus: Vuu combat system, Global Pathfinder, Slicer Tools, Ship compass, JS from command line, Vitals Tracker, and Equipment Manager.
  • CervantesCervantes Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2019
    tt search [filter1] [filter2]...

    I would love to be able to do tt search armor medium 75 for instance.

    [IMPLEMENTED] - Partly via adding a min-max level search. Also improved TT SEARCH in general for ease of accesss

  • RhindaraRhindara Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    • HISTORY CONFLICT or READLOG CONFLICT to see what's been going on there recently. [IMPLEMENTED]
    • HISTORY/READLOG DEATHSIGHT to see a list of recent deaths.
    • Set INCURSION LIST to sort by difficulty by default, and/or allow modifiers for INCURSION LIST <difficulty/distance/type> to sort by those [PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED]
    • A simple command like ROOMNUM/ADDRESS to grab the roomnum of the room you're currently in. There are ways to do this via MAP (if there's a map available) or with gmcp, but this would be a nice, easier option [IMPLEMENTED]
    • Some way to queue for arena events, like JOIN QUEUE <arena>. After x people enter the queue, an event could start up for people to join
    • Allow remote joining arena events. Since it's VR, at the very least there should be a way to do this from your ship.

  • AzlynAzlyn Member Posts: 47 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    - Fix news reading to actually respect the configured pagelength.
    - In addition to above suggestions in the thread, allow partial strings to be filters in MARKET OFFER/ORDER. (E.g., "market offer list bat" should show all batteries). [IMPLEMENTED]
    - Add a command to see what active jobs you've commissioned across refineries/autofactories, owned or otherwise (like a personal queue summary).
    - Change the unit of time in manufacturing queues from seconds to "hrs, min, secs"; these can be on the order of days and are just reported as seconds. [IMPLEMENTED]
    - Have refineries bill you up front instead of ticking with each commodity produced.
    - Please remove the Dynasty names in combat messages (or at least in brief messages). It just becomes too much between the "Quaff(r)"s and the great age of the apostrophe and whatever other character the next hipster uses in their name (just kidding, no hate). But it just unnecessarily complicates pattern matching. [IMPLEMENTED]
    - Create an official market channel. [IMPLEMENTED]
    - Add some version of JUNK LIST for incursion drops.

  • IkchorIkchor Member Posts: 152 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2019
    An inventory sorting option.

    A refinery/autofactory account (im personally picky about where my money comes out of IRL so if i can stuff money into a diff account and not worry about it, i will)

    Accountant-types being able to transfer comms from faction storage to faction members directly

    Scoundrel IEDs changed from the 11 base types and 3 modifications we have that result in alot of bombs in a bandolier to one bomb, that we can tweak the settings of on the fly. One physical bomb, multiple purposes/types to configure it as. Don't know if it's actually possible code wise. Would cut down on the amount of bombs in storage, and maybe make tracking bombs easier?
    I forgot I was going to call myself Ike while in chargen, so now I'm Zarrach.
  • CervantesCervantes Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2019
    I'd love config pagelength 0 to just spit ALL the text out at me at once, no paging. But I'm weird like that. [IMPLEMENTED]
  • SteveSteve Member Posts: 136 ✭✭✭
    SHIP TRAVEL TO STARLILY instead of having to know to navigate to Orpheon. (Same goes for STARCHART STARLILY)
  • ReelocReeloc Member Posts: 23 ✭✭
    Maybe we could have "REFINERY <ID> SHOW" show the coordinates of planets? (Coordinates within a planet's respective zone, I mean, the x and y axes.) Space stations don't need this since there's the STATIONS syntax that shows space station coordinates, and people could simply autopilot to space stations.

    It might also be helpful to see the coordinates of planets that show up in our personal market orders.

    It isn't a huge hassle for me to scour a zone for the planet I'm looking for, but that's just me.
    Knowing the coordinates of planets might be a big help for others though. :)
  • eeleel Member Posts: 28 ✭✭
    @Reeloc I agree generally, but as someone who pretty much only uses auto, I've never run into a planet I could not get to. Though it does take a bit of trial and error for some.

    Still, it would be a real qol improvement if we had a command to search by planet name or something, and it provided coords for all matches, as well as the name to properly reference it in autopilot commands.
  • ZhulkarnZhulkarn Member Posts: 149 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2019
    When you target someone with Propgrab or Destruct it could grab or destroy the prop they are taking cover. That would definitely increase quality of life on that regard.
  • SteveSteve Member Posts: 136 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    Quest cooldowns show up on COOLDOWNS? [IMPLEMENTED]
  • PoetPoet Member Posts: 122 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    Mining queues that are in human intelligible numbers. Hours, minutes, something. [IMPLEMENTED]
    [Cassandra]: Poet will be unsurprised to learn that she has unread news.
  • eeleel Member Posts: 28 ✭✭
    I will say that I don't really see any point to having to maneuver your ship around to scoop up gas. It's tedious at best, and not particularly accessible at worst, since it really requires being able to parse that visual feedback. I believe autopiloting to the coordinates in the beacon text will take you to the center of the cloud, and just sort of leave you there. It's possible to script something that sort of works, but I don't think that's very ideal, and sort of increases the barrier there in another way.
    There isn't any text saying that there is further gas in x direction, which might be an okay compromise if the scooping mechanic sticks around.
  • AzlynAzlyn Member Posts: 47 ✭✭✭
    - Add means to display inventory items/worn gear that are nearing decay with the use life left
    - STATION NEAREST <zone|ME>, similar to VOIDGATE NEAREST (which could also use a ME option instead of manually inputting your zone)
    - Have VOIDGATE/STATION NEAREST also display the zone and coordinates of the feature of interest
    - This might be a little involved for a QoL, but the crux is, make vehicles practical to use. The indoor dismount requirement is very annoying, and given the inherent nature of Starmourn travel and the small scale of most areas, the eq cost and inconvenience outweigh any movement benefit. I'd suggest dropping all of the manual management involved with the current VEHICLE commands. Instead allow players to move seamlessly, but change their movement speed accordingly if indoors/outdoors and just add flavor messages about getting in/out of the vehicle, if you want. This could be a CONFIG AUTOVEHICLE option. I was going to alternatively suggest maybe having different vehicles give movement buffs in accordance with the environment type, like speed boat vs dune buggy etc. (translation: $$$), but I guess this is the future where everything hovers.
  • FlipilariaFlipilaria Member Posts: 128 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    QW <name> would be cool - This already exists
  • RhindaraRhindara Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    • Allow the usage of SHIP DESIGN WARES at any chop shop while on foot, so that you don't have to take a ship around to every single one just to see what's on offer.
    • Include the owner of a cosmpiercer in the conflict messages relating to cosmpiercers. E.g. '(Conflict): Cosmpiercer RA-4055 (Celestine) is now immune to all attacks.'[IMPLEMENTED]
    • Sort STATIONS alphabetically by station name, and optionally provide a way to sort by zone and distance.
    • Please color Scatterhome ships differently on the space map. I realize there's some thematic precedent for them being asteroid-colored or whatever, but that particular shade is very difficult to see, and relying solely on SHIP BEACON isn't really convenient considering that it takes balance.[IMPLEMENTED]

  • IkchorIkchor Member Posts: 152 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2019
    I agree with all but that last one.

    It's called camouflage, you nerd
    I forgot I was going to call myself Ike while in chargen, so now I'm Zarrach.
  • AzlynAzlyn Member Posts: 47 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    Add a command to echo some string as an output from the game, to help test client-side triggers (pattern recognition/response).[IMPLEMENTED]
  • SteveSteve Member Posts: 136 ✭✭✭
    Scoundrel: automatically tunein to bugs
  • RhindaraRhindara Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019

    • Make the captaincy skill TRANSFERS its own thing so that it's not literally just station cargo commands. The way it works now, you SHIP CONNECT <ship ID>, and then if that ship's pilot consents, the ship gets turned into a station for storage, basically. There is no input on the target's side of things, they can't stop you from taking/putting things in after they initially consent, and they can't even see what you're doing without spamming CARGO CONTENTS SHIP (there's literally no message on the recipient's/victim?'s side regarding storage/loading). In addition, because it's legitimately just the same system as station cargo storage, you can't even use this skill near a station, because it will default to that station. I think unique commands/handling would make this a lot easier on everyone involved.
    • Show when cosmpiercer windows are closing on COSMPIERCER LIST. So instead of just 'Vulnerable', it would say 'Vulnerable for x days'.[IMPLEMENTED]
    • Add PTPs to Arrizuri and Jelle, either from the respective voidgates or from the main PTPs on the respective planets. Right now, there's no other way to get to those areas except transferring to the respective stations.
    • Some countdown or something when you enter a 'safe' area to let you know INRs are about to explode
    • Purge STATION MISSION LIST periodically, because boy does that thing get massive

  • IkchorIkchor Member Posts: 152 ✭✭✭
    add modification to # bomb

    seriously, one at a time modification (for when you have a bunch of bombs from before you knew about premodding) is tedious as heck
    I forgot I was going to call myself Ike while in chargen, so now I'm Zarrach.
  • FlipilariaFlipilaria Member Posts: 128 ✭✭✭
    Regarding turret decay messages for those of us who leave turrets everywhere, please condense the message down to "X turrets have decayed" and please include the area.

    So this:

    772      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    773      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    774      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    775      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    776      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    777      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    778      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    779      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    780      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    781      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    782      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    783      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    784      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    785      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    786      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    787      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    788      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    789      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    790      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    791      (system)         6/09/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted

    Can maybe look like
    796      (system)         8/30/2019 20 deployed turrets have decayed in the Golpur Desert

  • FlipilariaFlipilaria Member Posts: 128 ✭✭✭
    895      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    896      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    897      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    898      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    899      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    900      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    901      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    902      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    903      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    904      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    905      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    906      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    907      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    908      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    909      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    910      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    911      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    912      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    913      (system)         8/30/2019   A deployed turret with a mounted
    Use MSG READ <number> or RMSG <number> to read a message.

    It is seriously this bad.
  • ReelocReeloc Member Posts: 23 ✭✭
    edited September 2019
    When we mail things to people, it might be useful if we could get lines that tell us what we've just sent as well as who we sent the item/s to.[IMPLEMENTED]

    I recently mailed a lot of stuff to several people, and when I backtracked, I couldn't tell if I mailed the right things to the right people. :-P

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