Lately, some people have voiced concerns that batteries are too expensive, or that incursions ought to pay more, or both. Having done quite a bit of incursioning myself, I don't think incursion payout ought to be increased. But I do recognize that the new player experience in space hinges on being able to afford ship supplies. There truly aren't enough player-made (read: affordable) kinetic batteries out there to help new players embark on financially-viable, self-sustaining ship combat. To fix this, we should incentivize the production and use of kinetic batteries.
TL;DR: increasing kinetic battery batch size or increasing kinetic battery damage against organics or both would help new players engage with SM's space combat. For best results, increase both. To put a number on it, +20% to both batch size and damage against organics should do the trick.
As designed, kinetic batteries will not be as effective as em and thermal.
That's OK. But they have a place, and that's for starter ships that have
only 1 cannon and against organics, which die just as easily to kinetic as em/thermal (there's a note on CP generators later in the post). Let's help out our new pilots by
incentivizing the production and sale of more kinetic batteries. SM's
ship system is fun, attractive; my experience with the game was
revolutionized when I learned how to fly. That's the game feature that
helped me to stick with the game through the pains of learning how MUDs
Increasing batch size reduces the cost to produce each kinetic battery, thereby increasing the manufacturer's ability to make a profit. It also can mean an increase the number of batteries out there in the wild, assuming producers decide to make and sell kinetics instead of other batteries. I suggest increasing the batch size from 10 to 12, or a 20% increase. Enough said, I think.
However, the space economy is not all about marks; marks aren't that hard to come by for seasoned players. So, increasing profitability of kinetic batteries alone probably won't incentivize manufacturers to a sufficient extent to help new pilots. To double down on incentive to produce kinetic batteries, increase their damage against organics (the way this helps new pilots should be self-explanatory). Such a change should increase kinetic battery appeal to all pilots, including seasoned pilots. Seasoned pilots sometimes go after hard organic incursions, but this isn't really where the benefit lies for seasoned pilots: CP generators are organics, too. Right now, CP action is, well, inactive, but that won't always be the case. (Side note: Reducing the costs to take down generators would probably help CP activity.) Taking batteries just for the generators increases the amount of supplies you're taking into battle, assuming there are enemy ships to contest. The power increase is offset by the risk of having to take more supplies to tackle generators and player ships most effectively. But, by making kinetic batteries appeal to more of the playerbase, that's additional incentive to produce them, hopefully increasing availability. I think it would be sufficient.
So, that's what I've got. This post is the product of talking with Rhindara and Azlyn. (I really hope this wasn't addressed in the monthly discussion. I was at a wedding.)
After making it to level 8 captaincy I have made a profit of around 3-4k marks. Which I'm mostly spending on more batteries. But this method is pretty time consuming, and I won't see a real increase in marks generation until I get a new ship, which looks like it'll be a minimum of 80k or so. Where as bashing you gradually increase your marks generation just be leveling and going to a better area.
My original level 25 character could make that much casually bashing in an hour or two.
But even if I grind to level 25 captaincy I will still be making money at my current rate.
Because of this the game flow feels like it's
- level your character on land and bash until you get enough money for a new ship (85k or so)
- buy a new ship and now you can start being a Pilot
But the presentation by getting a ship in the beginning makes me feel like that's not the intention.Soloing an easy anomaly incursion takes a little while since I just have to float around and wait for them to show up, and it nets me a total of ~1500 marks from all the cargo I get, about half of which goes to resupplying. I tried iron pirates once and really wasted a ton of kinetic batteries in order to kill 3 of them. And I tried Sahakren but those guys are on crack. They zipped right by me and didn't seem to ever stop? Sporadic movement and I swear some of them disappeared made that really hard for me to pull off. I might just need to practice flying more to be able to keep up/track them better. But I feel relatively limited in what I can take on at the moment.
To me the progression is just daunting. It's not gradual, it's in blocks. And overcoming the first hurdle feels completely out of reach.
A 20% damage buff would be nice, as it would likely equate to a 20% saving on resupplying,which would be very nice. It still seems like it would be significantly worse than foot bashing, which is particularly bad considering ship progression is based on marks. Which again goes back to it feeling like ship stuff should just come after foot leveling.
Would increasing the payout of just easy incursions be bad?
Or are there any egregious things I am doing wrong?
EDIT: I don't want to hijack the topic, just wanted to give my experience as a noob-in-space if I am doing anything particularly wrong just let me know, I can ask around game/on discord.
On the first character I was making a small but negligible profit. It was a superior way of gaining marks than bashing the early levels, but vastly inferior past level 40/50ish.
On the second, newer character, I am making a net loss. Captaincy is not only not profitable for me with a Light Interceptor, I am actively losing marks doing it. I really like Captaincy and think my system is extremely efficient, too; I automatically beacon spam, adjust course, close into optimal distance to fire ze missiles, etc. I've gathered a lot of data on what the best and most efficient incursions are to farm and generally focus on those. I manually repair so I don't waste repairkits. On this second character I have not lost my ship even once to incursions. In other words, I know what I'm doing, but captaincy is still a gold-sink.
I don't know if kinetic battery upgrades are what's needed to improve things, but I definitely feel like either easy incursions need to pay more (a lot more), or supplies need to be a good deal cheaper.
Default NPC supplies were raised in price in order to facilitate the player economy. This might have worked if only the player economy was actually generating enough supplies to compete. It's not.
"They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
— Oscar Wilde
"I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
— Margaret Atwood
Of course all factions will follow a different path to incentivize their miners, industrialists and soldiers but that alone prods people to get involved with various facets of the game. That 100k+ marks top-of-the-line Corvette is one of the milestones throughout one's career as a captain. But until then, one will find a way to earn that amount in various other jobs. Captaincy is not limited to incursions after all.
As for kinetic batteries, an alternative idea would be to give them a higher chance to bypass shields which would help on both ship combat and sentient race incursions. But more damage to organic is decent, as long as it does not get malus on elsewhere.
No faction would provide all a new player needs as soon as they arrive. Otherwise they would go bankrupt pretty fast. Rather then throwing money at random, factions offer jobs, citizen programs, wages and payments for services rendered. Inch by inch the player gains both trust and marks with their involvement. Even after building a certain amount of trust there is a chance that faction subsidization might be wasted because RL happens or the character's RP takes a different turn etc. But at that point the amount offered is a calculated risk within the ledgers of the faction and the loss can be absorbed easily. That is especially valid for the RP theme of Celestine Ascendancy as a late-stage capitalist society.
I wouldn't increase organic damage from kinetics. Already weak, adds profitability to hard organics (which weren't bad given they were easier a mi).
Making group ship PvE an actually viable thing would also help lowbie pilots (shared pilot xp for armada, loot 'flagged' for armada [can be yoinked but opens to pk], tweaking how incurion spawns work, adding in more traditional 'farming' zones, support ship roles instead of 'everybody's a damage boat!', etc etc I've covered elsewhere.)
That is just one corporate example. Other corporations such as Litharge Office of Business (Economy-heavy) or Angel Ascension Agency(Civic Stuff) will have their different ways of subsidizing their area of expertise. It is alright if one does not decide to participate in learning programs or corporations. But they are there for taking if that is one's cup of tea.
Also what I tried to tell earlier was that the game is not limited to what its mechanics are. It is natural you might have reservations about players being capable of providing aid to other players. But proper communication really opens up several doors. Yet it is perfectly normal to desire self-sufficiency...but if self-sufficiency exists then why need economy? We have to have a reason to subsidize miner players and then support establishment of refineries and autofactories to produce batteries and finally we can bring civilization to the barbarian planets Rome-style. All segments are rewarded and if the reward scheme does not work properly? Maybe it is too cumbersome? Or it is not fair? Too taxing on faction reserves? We iterate. Find a better reward scheme to stimulate growth.
In other news, I've put up 200 kinetic batteries for sale at 190 each and will be aiming to put out around 400 per week, depending on the availability of resources and continued demand. I know it isn't enough to supply the entire sector, but here's hoping that it'll push prices down a bit.
I mean, @Rhindara essentially lives off of this, calling it "welfare" XD. And performance tips, now that those exist.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Edit: unless you're using my 33% production boost factory in the far end of nowhere I guess
On certain shield types you see they provide or subtract resistances on thermal, EM and kinetic. Does that mean regardless of kinetic batteries or thermal batteries hit the hull or not they will get that bonus or malus?
For example, I used a shield type providing thermal resistance/reducing kinetic resistance and my shield is down. Will it reduce thermal damage still? Or let us say my shield is down and I am hit by kinetic batteries, will I get extra damage on hull from kinetic batteries?