2 years and 4 months or in tech speak, nearly 2,000 commits later – Mudlet 4.0 is here! We’ve achieved our stated goal to make Mudlet playable internationally; from Spanish to Chinese games
There are still minor improvements to do, such as translating the splash screen text, but internalisation is work that will never stop and will be always ongoing.
We’ve opened up a Patreon! All funds raised will be spent on improving the project, so if you like Mudlet, help us out! We’ve got a Special Offer in Patreon until August 25th: a hand-made, engraved Mudlet wooden pen.
We’ve just had our 10 year anniversary! Our goal, just like everybody’s in this genre, is to keep it alive, innovate in it, and bring new players in – and we’re aiming for the next 20 of the same.
Comparing the 3.0 to the 4.0 release, we have put in a ton of work to make Mudlet internalization-friendly:
Mudlet can now display Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese and other text fine:
Text selection also works correctly for Chinese and other languages where every monospace character doesn’t strictly occupy the space same space as 1 Latin character. Chinese characters, for example, occupy 2.
As expected, you can now choose everything from UTF-8, GBK, to KOI8 and more as an available server encoding:
Spellchecking: yep, it’s here! Works for multiple languages; can be set to be for the profile only or shared Mudlet-wide, and you can use the Lua API with it, too!
All data your triggers, scripts, and everything else is encoded in utf8 – no matter what server encoding. Since Lua’s standard string library works just Latin only, we have added utf8 equivalents of relevant functions so your string.match can work with Russian, Chinese text.
As mentioned above, we’ve updated alias matching and trigger matching to work with international text! OK in all fairness, this change was the easiest of them all as it was a simple switch.
This issue was not a simple switch, unfortunately. An issue specific to Windows, if your account on the computer had non-Latin characters such as öäå, Mudlet would not load correctly. This is now fixed; everyone can run Mudlet!
And of course – the pièce de résistance – you can now play Mudlet itself with many different languages!
The interface is fully translated into:
Now specifically back to features introduced from the last 3.22.1 update to 4.0, we have done the following:
You can give your custom profiles – a custom icon! Size it to 120×30 for it to look good.
Mudlet is now a lot better with tabs! This is for compatibility with older games, where they’re used for formatting and in-game source code editing.
If you’re building new code and would like to align text, use spaces instead: they’ll give you complete control of how the text will look like in the end, unlike tabs.
Mudlet’s Continuous Integration (CI) process is highly automated: every improvement or feature is checked for compile errors on multiple platforms and a test Mudlet version just for that change is automatically created for Windows, macOS, and Linux. This means you can even improve Mudlet’s code online, without installing anything, and get your own build of Mudlet to test the change!
We’ve previously put up those test versions of Mudlet on transfer.sh and as Appveyor artifacts, which were sometimes flakey, so our very own TheFae has improved the situation and custom-built https://make.mudlet.org/snapshots for us! Every build has handy links to the relevant Github commits and if available, the PR as well.
If you’d like to setup a copy of this website for your own needs, feel free! Just like Mudlet, it is open-source as well
You can now connect to your game using a SOCKS5 proxy!
You’ve worked hard to create your perfect, personal profile: the
correct command separator, perfect colours, and just the right font size
– and now you want to try a new game. Copying the existing profile will
bring over all of the scripts so what do you do?Yep, we’ve got a button for that.
We’ve added the Disconnect and Package Exporter buttons in the menubar, and made Discord be the primary “help with Mudlet” button. This brings it to feature parity with the toolbar, so you can pick which one you’d like to have.
IRC will stay as there are systems out there that make good use if it.
On macOS, Linux, and Windows 10 Mudlet will now show emoji in colour!
Windows 7 and 8 unfortunately aren’t supported due to a Windows limitation.
Note that very few games support emoji’s out there – but you can always use echo(“Cool 😄\n”) in your scripts!
This is pretty techy news, but Mudlet is now made in C++17! Modern
C++ is nothing like the traditional language you’ve heard of, and this
update brings awesome things like structured bindings. Are you interested in trying it out? Mudlet is open for your PRs
Big thanks to Marco “M0lid3us” Tironi (wiploo) from clessidra.it for putting in a ton of effort into the Italian translation – it is now complete and has a 🌟!
The Russian translation has also been updated to the 🌟 level as well, joining the German translation on the podium. Can you help us with your language?
This is a huge update. Big thanks to demonnic, imgbot, keneanung, Leris, SlySven, and vadi2 for making it happen!
Thanks to all translators (12!) in this update: beckham894, Cyber Nerd (cybernerd.us), Guilherme Campos (guicampos), hjdhnx, keneanung, Leris, lostnow, Marco “M0lid3us” Tironi (wiploo), Matthieu (Jack_potta), Shoryu Shin (shoryu49), vadi2, and vingi.
We’ve added far too much to list in the post, so have a look through the detailed changelog below:
Here’s a snapshot of all the work that went just into Mudlet’s code alone (this excludes work done on the snapshots service):
It’s a lot! Want to improve something in Mudlet? Join in!
- Ilyos (August 2019)