Announcements post #73: Auctions are over!

AutoposterAutoposter Member, Bot Posts: 293 ✭✭✭
<pre>From: Ilyos, the Arbiter
Subject: Auctions are over!

The first round of Starmourn Auctions are now over. Thank you all for participating and many congratiulations to the winners!

Those of you with custom items/shops/pets, please ISSUE yourselves whenever you're ready to discuss your prizes. It's going to take us a few days to get through everything, but we're all very excited about this!

-----------------------------< Current Auctions >------------------------------
Id Status Max / Min Curr Title Winner Days
1 WON 1000/ 1000 Cr Custom Ship NPC Clover 0
2 WON 1005/ 1005 Cr Custom pet Cervantes 0
3 WON 2095/ 2095 Cr Sa'hak-ren Flesh Ship Rylek 0
4 WON 4005/ 4005 Cr World Housing Millette 0
5 WON 1255/ 1255 Cr World Shop Sabika 0
6 WON 1015/ 1015 Cr Portable Heartstart Device Azlyn 0
7 WON 1005/ 1005 Cr Signal Jammer Xin 0
8 WON 505/ 505 Cr The Animus Experiment Typhos 0
9 WON 1055/ 1055 Cr Super Stimpack Azlyn 0
10 WON 555/ 555 Cr RoamTek Suspension Field Rylek 0
11 WON 560/ 560 Cr Miniature Wormhole Sabika 0
12 WON 505/ 505 Cr Refilling Liquid Container Naldan 0
13 WON 450500/ 450500 Mrk Voidgate Permit Azlyn 0
14 WON 625500/ 625500 Mrk Any level 3 stat boost Ninvahn 0
15 WON 400500/ 400500 Mrk Hourly Stat Reset Typhos 0
16 WON 554500/ 554500 Mrk 25 paristeel crates Albion 0
17 WON 450500/ 450500 Mrk Ship Beacon Jammer Yayeh 0
18 WON 300500/ 300500 Mrk Ship Return Rylek 0
19 WON 250500/ 250500 Mrk Custom fish Clover 0
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