Let’s start brainstorming a list of emote suggestions for the staff to consider adding to the game!

I’m sure they will have a lot of the generic ones (NOD, YES, NO, GREET, etc), but always good to get the community creative juices flowing and see if we can help! Feel free to add below with or without descriptions of how you want it to look. And adding generic ones is fine too to make sure nothing gets missed! I’m particularly excited to see racial emote suggestions.
ETA: I have no official position so I have no idea if any suggestions will be acceptable to the powers that be.
As T'rath has pierced the veil, so will I, and so will my life become complete in a good death.
Jin VOTE FOR STARMOURN GrootToday at 2:16 PM
if there's no kittens in space
I'm going on a rampage
TectonToday at 2:17 PM
They're called w'hoorn, Groot
sets out a saucer of milk
(without target) “With somber gravity and respect, Qitorien places each hand over an eye, left and right, his deatheye staring into the darkest corners, echoing with the shadows of the dead for those who can sense them."
(target) “With somber gravity and respect, Qitorien places each hand over an eye, left and right, fixing his deatheye on [target/"you"], as if he perceives [target/"your"] future death amongst other shadows of the dead present.”
if there's no kittens in space
I'm going on a rampage
TectonToday at 2:17 PM
They're called w'hoorn, Groot
sets out a saucer of milk
(without target) "Qitorien twirls and spins with surprising complexity, long ribbons in each hand. The focal point in the center of the silk and elegant movements seems to missing something."
(single target) "Qitorien twirls and spins with surprising complexity, long ribbons in each hand. The silk and elegant movements center around [target1], appearing discordant somehow with just one person."
(two targets) "Qitorien twirls and spins with surprising complexity, long ribbons in each hand. Centering around [target1] and [target2] the silk and elegant movements weave a unbreakable tale of love, binding the happy couple within the Argisan."
Inspiration source: Elgan character page
if there's no kittens in space
I'm going on a rampage
TectonToday at 2:17 PM
They're called w'hoorn, Groot
sets out a saucer of milk
1st person: You thrust your arms forward, your plasmacasters rising from their recessed positions as you playfully growl, "Where there's smoke..." as a brief lance of fire blossoms from your plasmacasters, "...there's me."
3rd person: Oogah thrusts his arms forward, hidden plasmacasters rising up from their recessed positions as he playfully growls, "Where there's smoke..." followed by a brief blossoming of flames, "...there's me."
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall set me free.
Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today.
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
I read that GUNT WIRL at first
if there's no kittens in space
I'm going on a rampage
TectonToday at 2:17 PM
They're called w'hoorn, Groot
sets out a saucer of milk
In an attempt to look awesome, you set the barrel of your gun twirling. Misjudging your skill, the piece smacks you in the head and you almost drop it instead.
1st person: You twist to the side, rapping on your armored, metallic backside, taunting, "Bite my shiny, metal a-". A sudden blast of static cuts short your taunting, your voice synthesizer having briefly shorted out.
3rd person: Oogah twists to the side, rapping on his armored, metallic backside as he tauntingly says, "Bite my shiny, metal a-". A sudden blast of static cuts short his taunting, his voice synthesizer having suddenly shorted out.
(Yes, yes, so original I know!)
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall set me free.
Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today.
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
if there's no kittens in space
I'm going on a rampage
TectonToday at 2:17 PM
They're called w'hoorn, Groot
sets out a saucer of milk
Historically when IRE games are released, they (understandably) have far fewer 'convenience' features compared to the games that have been established longer.
While understandable, players migrating from the more established games might avoid certain tasks/aspects of the game if they find it limited or tedious. A prime example is shopkeeping - compare shopkeeping tools in Achaea today, to 1999.
RP tools are the same, but unlike with shopkeeping, it's really important to foster a strong RP environment from day one. Every player benefits from that, even the people that don't do much beyond staying in character - the efforts of others will enrich the game, and in turn encourage people that otherwise might not get involved in RP, to do so.
I've sat in a group of 6 or so in Aetolia, defending a location in group PVP, and in the boring downtimes between fights, people were killing time by emoting at each other instead of talking poop on an ooc channel.
Kind of weird to be honest, but in a refreshing way.
None of the other games have had this level of experience on the initial build team.
1st Person: Grunting primitively[ at 'target'] in anger, you stand tall and thrust your powerful torso out seconds before you slam your fists into your chest repeatedly, each strike a resounding boom[ as your rage toward 'target' intensifies].
3rd Person: Grunting primitively[ at 'target'/'you'] in anger, Parody stands tall and thrusts his powerful torso out seconds before he slams his fists into his chest repeatedly, each strike a resounding boom[ as his rage toward 'target'/'you' intensifies].
TSLAM (Tukkav specific)
1st Person: Your fists clench in anger and your chest expands from a mighty intake of air before you let loose a primal roar[ at 'target'] and slam your powerful fists into the ground[ in front of them].
3rd Person: Parody clenches his fists in anger and his chest expands from a mighty intake of air before he lets loose a primal roar[ at 'target'/'you'] and slams his powerful fists into the ground[ in front of 'target'/'you'].
TGROOM (Tukkav specific)
1st Person: Your fingers move with gentle dexterity as you comb your digits through ['your'/'target's'] hair, affectionately making sure ['your'/'target's'] scalp is clean.
3rd Person: Parody's fingers move with gentle dexterity as he combs his digits through ['your'/'target's'] hair, affectionately making sure ['your'/'target's'] scalp is clean.